Monday, 28 November 2011
Most complementary cancer treatments are treated with disdain by conventional medical practitioners. The pat answer to any question of alternative treatment asked of your Doctor would be, " No, this is not tested, it has not been safely evaluated as a treatment, no clinical trials have established safe limits or dosage." In other words....Don't be stupid, we can offer you proven treatment, namely CUT, POISON, BURN, this is proven therapy. It is not in the interests of Pharmaceuticals to cure cancer; why threaten their 200 billion a year industry? Do they choose life or profit...hmm, life...wrong answer, the correct answer is profit. They do not care if you die.
Of course, the medical assault on your body may well knock back the cancer, if you are one of the lucky 4% (ish) your cancer will succumb and you will be cured. You may (after an operation) lose a tumour (cut) and have the area treated with radiation (burn) and have chemotherapy to mop up any cancer cells left.(poison) Unfortunately for so many, the cancer returns, big time, and there comes a point when your doctor will tell you that there is nothing more to be done and the final stage of, cut, poison and burn comes into play...Walk away. Seven and a half million people die of cancer every year and the claim that they are winning the war on cancer is simply not true.
There are many reasons why you will get cancer, stress, food, environment etc. Cancer is a time to look at yourself and change, relax, meditate, eat good fresh food, be positive, get exercise, the body responds to good treatment, be kind to yourself. Do it, even if you take the conventional route, do it for you, your life is is precious.
Ronald Regan in the mid 80's had cancers (more than one cancer) Details are sparse but it appears that he did not take conventional treatment and went to Germany to have a treatment called Hyperthermia, He did not die of cancer 19 years later. Why was this treatment not evaluated at the time? We all know why.
HYPERTHERMIA This is a heat treatment and not to be confused with HYPOTHERMIA which is heat loss. In Hyperthermia, the body's core temperature is heated above the normal 37 degrees to as much as 40-45 degrees. At this temperature our normal cells can withstand the increase but cancer cells cannot cope and die. The treatment can be given locally as well. In Germany most cancer centers offer conventional treatment but some offer Hyperthermia. It is known that Hyperthermia and low dose Chemotherapy works very well. It is also known that there have been thousands of people treated and the machinery is sophisticated and well proven.
If you have cancer, it is worth a look.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
You might be visiting my blog because you have Multiple Myeloma and are searching for information that could help you. If you have read my blogs you will know that my MM disappeared in January 2000 and I began my blog in 2008. I have had no treatment at all for MM since 2000. I was diagnosed in two hospitals and was treated initially by two top Oncologists in those hospitals, my medical records track my cancer until it disappeared. In January 2010, paraprotein was again found in my blood. I will refer back to this later in this blog. In January 2011 it had disappeared again; so, apart from a brief return in 2010 I have been cancer free with no reoccurance of symptoms since 2000.
I bang on about beliefs, knowing and the spirit consciousness within, and I suspect this goes over the heads of many who are desperate to find a cure. I understand the difficulty you may have in finding belief in yourself, when your doctor will tell you that the chances of curing this cancer is nil and that very, very few people survive over 10 years. This does not come without regular and constant treatment.
MM is one of the greatest challenges you will face; so, how do you face it, what can I tell you that my blogs have not covered already?
I am no different from you, I was born to this world, I live and I will leave this world when I 'die.' I have died once and was sent back to my life, I talked with spirit entities and they surrounded me with so much love that I no longer fear death. Death occurs when the body can no longer hold on to the energy that is your consciousness and it is freed from this world of physical form.
Life is filled with challenges and adversity and we respond in ways that have repeated similarity, depending on how we have been conditioned. Conditioning is simply, our learning and our beliefs. As a baby our mind is empty and we fill it with experience, we learn how to walk, to talk, we learn conventional wisdom, religion, science and when to see the doctor for medicine. We learn impatience, fear, anger, love, jealousy etc, etc, and terribly, for us, we have learned we have limitations in what we can do. We can look in the mirror and say, "that is me," We can look back through the years and know that what we are looking at is; our life. We are completely and utterly unprepared for the words, "You have cancer and that cancer has no cure, it will kill you." Our limitations come into play at that point with an awful feeling of fear.
I will tell you what I know.....
First, you have an energy inside of you. It is a vibrational resonance that is individual to you, being energy it cannot, repeat, cannot be destroyed, this is a basic law of physics. This energy is alive and aware, its focus whilst in the body is five sensory; this is to give awareness of our physical body and our world. We have a mind, mind is rational, analytical and is mostly irrational, it has willpower which is affected by being tired, angry, fearful, hungry etc, and when affected, this is wher irrationality comes from. The willpower to defeat cancer is not strong because the conscious mind is represented by less than 10% of our being. 90% is unconscious, the subconscious mind where our habits, impulses, strategies and physiological control, steer the mind in ways that are learned and familiar to each of us, and in differing ways.
You want to cure your cancer, you tell yourself this. "I want to live, I will live," you have the willpower to succeed. Then why do people fail? Simply, willpower exists in the moment, it has little power; the power comes from what you have learned, and you have learned limitations. You have learned that only a doctor and drugs can cure cancer, you cannot. 90 % of your being believes this and only 10% thinks it can. The result is fail, because your belief is so weak.
Information is everything and there is a way to succeed; you have to re-programme, and you cannot do this with your mind. Let me give you some spiritual truth, because it concerns who you are and the power that is unused in your energy matrix. The person known as you is an individual, you have energy, 10% conscious, 90% unconscious. You are also part of a much much greater energy we call soul. The soul exists outside your consciousness but is forever linked by what we could visualise as an energy link, you could see it as a chord. The soul has never been born to this earth, but has intelligence and power beyond our understanding. If I tell you that cancer is no more than an energy; you could visualise this energy as a darkness within the light of our being, then you give it recognisable form. This energy, or darkness has affected the cells in your physical body, and you have 60 trillion of them. Your chemical DNA is also an energy that allows cells to die and new cells to grow according to your DNA blueprint. DNA is affected by thoughts, fear, food we eat, our environment and our thoughts about ourselves. Negativity is poison to our body, negative thoughts, feelings, anger, fear, keeping alive past hurt, extreme emotion, ego responses. Our preoccupation with negativity has a resonance that usually manifests dis-ease...disease. Every cell in your body is replaced over a 7 year period, this slows with age and we are meant to degrade slowly, to eventually die. What are we physically, not much according to science, cells are made up if atoms and molecules, these are 99.9999999% empty space. If you compressed 7 billion people in this world into a structure that had no spaces in between the atoms you would have a structure the size of a sugar lump. We are so much more than physical matter and we all need to know this.
To love, to laugh, to be kind to ourselves and others, to have good thoughts is a basic requirement of good health and your body will respond if you eat good food, exercise, and be kind.
In 2010 my cancer was again found in my body. I had just been through a clinical depression, my world was black, I did things that were alien to me and was in a hole of my own making, lost for a time to light and love. I lost my wife, my business nearly failed and I was doom and gloom. No wonder my cancer returned. It was a major lesson for me and having learned it, the cancer that threatened to kill me was removed for a second time. This time it will not be back, I learned the lesson. Hells bells who could beat MM twice; I did.
If I tell you that you have the tools within you and the connection to your soul that sees Multiple Myeloma as a minor disturbance in your energy field, and that it can be removed completely. Would you listen?
You can never access this healing power with your mind, your mind is weak. You must go within, meditation, where you still the mind and take your awareness in silence into your heart area. Your heart is your doorway and your shield of protection. You may be surprised to know that the heart carries an energy that is 50 times stronger than the brain. Relax and take several deep breaths, on each breath feel yourself going deeper into your heart, visualise a doorway and walk through it when you feel calm. Through this doorway visualise a landscape that is calming for you, by water, in nature, walking on a beach, etc, etc, close the door behind you and feel the warmth of the sun as it bathes you in light. In this place the sun is your soul and you can visit this place any time you like, in this place you will carry the energy from your soul into your heart. Light chases dark and this light and warmth from your soul connection will flood your cells with light. See it chase away the darkness that is cancer, it cannot exist in the light of your soul. Importantly...KNOW IT IS HAPPENING. See the colour black being washed down through your feet and into the earth where the energy is recycled and cleansed.
When you question concensus thinking and beliefs and know who you are, as an eternal being having a physical experience, connected to an awesome power of soul, you can transend the limitations your parents and caregivers instilled into you. You can change the fear, the stress and be comforted by the connection to your soul that you might not have known you have. Your soul loves you unconditionally and will revel in the connection. Do it once or twice a day, and remember, nothing relevant is past, nothing happens in the future, the future only exists as possibility, EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN THE MOMENT OF NOW. Now is the most important moment you have, make it work for you.
In the words of Don Juan Matus:-
"What is at work during inner silence is another faculty that man has, the faculty that makes him a magical being...."
There are no miracles, only the miracle that comes from knowing who you are, it is life changing.. David.
I bang on about beliefs, knowing and the spirit consciousness within, and I suspect this goes over the heads of many who are desperate to find a cure. I understand the difficulty you may have in finding belief in yourself, when your doctor will tell you that the chances of curing this cancer is nil and that very, very few people survive over 10 years. This does not come without regular and constant treatment.
MM is one of the greatest challenges you will face; so, how do you face it, what can I tell you that my blogs have not covered already?
I am no different from you, I was born to this world, I live and I will leave this world when I 'die.' I have died once and was sent back to my life, I talked with spirit entities and they surrounded me with so much love that I no longer fear death. Death occurs when the body can no longer hold on to the energy that is your consciousness and it is freed from this world of physical form.
Life is filled with challenges and adversity and we respond in ways that have repeated similarity, depending on how we have been conditioned. Conditioning is simply, our learning and our beliefs. As a baby our mind is empty and we fill it with experience, we learn how to walk, to talk, we learn conventional wisdom, religion, science and when to see the doctor for medicine. We learn impatience, fear, anger, love, jealousy etc, etc, and terribly, for us, we have learned we have limitations in what we can do. We can look in the mirror and say, "that is me," We can look back through the years and know that what we are looking at is; our life. We are completely and utterly unprepared for the words, "You have cancer and that cancer has no cure, it will kill you." Our limitations come into play at that point with an awful feeling of fear.
I will tell you what I know.....
First, you have an energy inside of you. It is a vibrational resonance that is individual to you, being energy it cannot, repeat, cannot be destroyed, this is a basic law of physics. This energy is alive and aware, its focus whilst in the body is five sensory; this is to give awareness of our physical body and our world. We have a mind, mind is rational, analytical and is mostly irrational, it has willpower which is affected by being tired, angry, fearful, hungry etc, and when affected, this is wher irrationality comes from. The willpower to defeat cancer is not strong because the conscious mind is represented by less than 10% of our being. 90% is unconscious, the subconscious mind where our habits, impulses, strategies and physiological control, steer the mind in ways that are learned and familiar to each of us, and in differing ways.
You want to cure your cancer, you tell yourself this. "I want to live, I will live," you have the willpower to succeed. Then why do people fail? Simply, willpower exists in the moment, it has little power; the power comes from what you have learned, and you have learned limitations. You have learned that only a doctor and drugs can cure cancer, you cannot. 90 % of your being believes this and only 10% thinks it can. The result is fail, because your belief is so weak.
Information is everything and there is a way to succeed; you have to re-programme, and you cannot do this with your mind. Let me give you some spiritual truth, because it concerns who you are and the power that is unused in your energy matrix. The person known as you is an individual, you have energy, 10% conscious, 90% unconscious. You are also part of a much much greater energy we call soul. The soul exists outside your consciousness but is forever linked by what we could visualise as an energy link, you could see it as a chord. The soul has never been born to this earth, but has intelligence and power beyond our understanding. If I tell you that cancer is no more than an energy; you could visualise this energy as a darkness within the light of our being, then you give it recognisable form. This energy, or darkness has affected the cells in your physical body, and you have 60 trillion of them. Your chemical DNA is also an energy that allows cells to die and new cells to grow according to your DNA blueprint. DNA is affected by thoughts, fear, food we eat, our environment and our thoughts about ourselves. Negativity is poison to our body, negative thoughts, feelings, anger, fear, keeping alive past hurt, extreme emotion, ego responses. Our preoccupation with negativity has a resonance that usually manifests dis-ease...disease. Every cell in your body is replaced over a 7 year period, this slows with age and we are meant to degrade slowly, to eventually die. What are we physically, not much according to science, cells are made up if atoms and molecules, these are 99.9999999% empty space. If you compressed 7 billion people in this world into a structure that had no spaces in between the atoms you would have a structure the size of a sugar lump. We are so much more than physical matter and we all need to know this.
To love, to laugh, to be kind to ourselves and others, to have good thoughts is a basic requirement of good health and your body will respond if you eat good food, exercise, and be kind.
In 2010 my cancer was again found in my body. I had just been through a clinical depression, my world was black, I did things that were alien to me and was in a hole of my own making, lost for a time to light and love. I lost my wife, my business nearly failed and I was doom and gloom. No wonder my cancer returned. It was a major lesson for me and having learned it, the cancer that threatened to kill me was removed for a second time. This time it will not be back, I learned the lesson. Hells bells who could beat MM twice; I did.
If I tell you that you have the tools within you and the connection to your soul that sees Multiple Myeloma as a minor disturbance in your energy field, and that it can be removed completely. Would you listen?
You can never access this healing power with your mind, your mind is weak. You must go within, meditation, where you still the mind and take your awareness in silence into your heart area. Your heart is your doorway and your shield of protection. You may be surprised to know that the heart carries an energy that is 50 times stronger than the brain. Relax and take several deep breaths, on each breath feel yourself going deeper into your heart, visualise a doorway and walk through it when you feel calm. Through this doorway visualise a landscape that is calming for you, by water, in nature, walking on a beach, etc, etc, close the door behind you and feel the warmth of the sun as it bathes you in light. In this place the sun is your soul and you can visit this place any time you like, in this place you will carry the energy from your soul into your heart. Light chases dark and this light and warmth from your soul connection will flood your cells with light. See it chase away the darkness that is cancer, it cannot exist in the light of your soul. Importantly...KNOW IT IS HAPPENING. See the colour black being washed down through your feet and into the earth where the energy is recycled and cleansed.
When you question concensus thinking and beliefs and know who you are, as an eternal being having a physical experience, connected to an awesome power of soul, you can transend the limitations your parents and caregivers instilled into you. You can change the fear, the stress and be comforted by the connection to your soul that you might not have known you have. Your soul loves you unconditionally and will revel in the connection. Do it once or twice a day, and remember, nothing relevant is past, nothing happens in the future, the future only exists as possibility, EVERYTHING HAPPENS IN THE MOMENT OF NOW. Now is the most important moment you have, make it work for you.
In the words of Don Juan Matus:-
"What is at work during inner silence is another faculty that man has, the faculty that makes him a magical being...."
There are no miracles, only the miracle that comes from knowing who you are, it is life changing.. David.
Monday, 31 October 2011
When I find information, I will post it on my site. This is about a group of Doctors in the US who are quietly having success after success treating cancer.
Mainstream medicine has been unsuccessful in finding a cure, despite billions being spent on research. We still have a 1 in 4 chance of dying from cancer and this has not changed in decades. We have to wonder if they are really searching for a cure, because they ignore all treatments by individuals, even when they are proven to work. Many of them will be found on my blog. Shame on them.
Here is the link. CANCER CURE
Information is power.
Mainstream medicine has been unsuccessful in finding a cure, despite billions being spent on research. We still have a 1 in 4 chance of dying from cancer and this has not changed in decades. We have to wonder if they are really searching for a cure, because they ignore all treatments by individuals, even when they are proven to work. Many of them will be found on my blog. Shame on them.
Here is the link. CANCER CURE
Information is power.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
I keep banging on about cancer cures that are ignored. The reason they are ignored by pharmaceuticals is because they cannot make profit from them. Many of them are on my blog. When you have cancer you naturally want the best treatment, unfortunately, for most, the best treatment has changed little over the years, cut, poison and burn. This is all Oncologists know, and I would hazard a guess that they have little confidence in what they do.
I am indebted to Fi who has sent me a video about cannabis ( Hemp oil with THC) I have posted another called 'RUN FROM THE CURE' elsewhere on my blog and this has elements of that.
The cost of pharmaceutical cancer treatment nets them millions in profit, yet is largely ineffective and cancer cures in the UK are shockingly low.
Watch the video, and if I had cancer, I know what I would do. UPDATE Nov 2011 Dr Mercola is considered a rebel, but few people are as informed as he is about bmedical matters and if you are looking at Medical Marijuana, here is some important information. Mercola When the evidence for a compound that would be considered a miracle cure if it were discovered by cancer research is ignored and kept away from the very people that have died for the want of a cure, and others who and crying out for help with their cancers. We have to look at the people who are doing it and their vested interests for doing so. I name Governments and Pharmaceuticals. We, the people, have a greater voice. Consider the billions spent in looking for a cancer drug cure, when a natural, non harming, compound is available that works and has been proven to work. It seems they want our money but they care nothing for our lives. Medical Marijuana, we want it, they won't let us have it.
I am indebted to Fi who has sent me a video about cannabis ( Hemp oil with THC) I have posted another called 'RUN FROM THE CURE' elsewhere on my blog and this has elements of that.
The cost of pharmaceutical cancer treatment nets them millions in profit, yet is largely ineffective and cancer cures in the UK are shockingly low.
Watch the video, and if I had cancer, I know what I would do. UPDATE Nov 2011 Dr Mercola is considered a rebel, but few people are as informed as he is about bmedical matters and if you are looking at Medical Marijuana, here is some important information. Mercola When the evidence for a compound that would be considered a miracle cure if it were discovered by cancer research is ignored and kept away from the very people that have died for the want of a cure, and others who and crying out for help with their cancers. We have to look at the people who are doing it and their vested interests for doing so. I name Governments and Pharmaceuticals. We, the people, have a greater voice. Consider the billions spent in looking for a cancer drug cure, when a natural, non harming, compound is available that works and has been proven to work. It seems they want our money but they care nothing for our lives. Medical Marijuana, we want it, they won't let us have it.
Sunday, 2 October 2011
I am not afraid of cancer, if I was I would not be writing my Blog, I would be dead.I believe this. I have beaten incurable cancer twice, what I am, and what you are is so much more powerful than cancer. Most people cannot get their minds around this concept and trawl the internet for clues and possible cures.
Todays blog is not about who we are or what we are capable of, this is addressed in previous blogs of mine. If your conditioning is uppermost in your mind, ie, drugs cure, religion will save my soul, food manufacturers produce good food in pretty boxes, and you believe this, you would probably not visit my site anyway. Todays blog is about food, vitamins and drugs. I will create the bones and you can research. Educate yourself into what is going on, and learn why the billions of profit are more important than your life.
Hippocrates, often referred to as, the "father of medicine" quoted a phrase that was adopted by the medical profession and they all swear to this oath; FIRST DO NO HARM...Our preoccupation that every illness can be treated with drugs, in my view, compromises this oath. Our primary focus on drugs and the protection that we give to the companies that manufacture and distribute them at high cost and high profit, when it is evident that we have an epidemic of illness and cancer; the question has to be. Is that focus in our best interests as people of the world?
My first point in this; drugs, in the main, do not cure, they merely suppress symptoms. If the underlying reason for the illness, remains untreated, the symptoms may be suppressed with drugs, but the illness will not go away. It is not in the interests of the giant pharmaceutical industry to cure people, they want you to be ill, to take drugs and medicines for as long as possible, and for cancer treatments, (known not to work in the main) for the short time between diagnosis and death, to help them generate their billions.
It is well known that drugs often do more harm than good, and statistically, in the UK at least 10 thousand people die of side effects of drugs every year, in the US that figure rises to over 100 thousand. I would guess the figures are much greater. Yet we accept this; after all who dares to take on these giant companies that wield so much power that anyone who questions will be shot down in flames. We have a saying - Power corrupts, there is another, Money is the root of all evil.
Not one cell of your body is made from drugs, drugs are designed to trick the cells into opening the door of the cells protection to letting them in, the cells react, sometimes to reduce symptoms but often a side effect is born, then you need another drug. Drugs are fairly new in the history of man, drugs are, quite simply, toxic. The body reacts, but not always in a good way.
I do not say all drugs are bad, some are necessary to control symptoms and some are very effective, but I question the approach of a pill for everything, this is the goal of pharmaceutical chemical companies. Drugs rarely cure and create good health, but we are conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that we have to trust our doctor. We need a new approach, to look at the underlying cause of illness and not just the symptoms.
I find it truly amazing that doctors have so little training in nutrition, why is this? Simply because they are trained to administer drugs before anything else.
All we are physically came out of the earth, every mineral that produced the 60 trillion cells in our body is made up of Mother Earth and will return to Mother Earth when we die. It makes sense that whatever is grown in the ground, flies in the air, lives off the ground or swims in the sea will be good for us, because it has all grown from the same earth.
The problem is this; food manufacturers fill the shelves in the supermarkets with pretty boxes and tins. Within packaging, is food that has been mixed, modified, preserved, dyed, flavour enhanced and mixed with manufacturered additions that would make you puke. Much of it, pre packed and pretty is, dead food, with little nutritional value. It is affordable, fills your belly and often makes you ill. The current health crisis, I believe, has alot to do with dead, processed food, it tastes nice but doesn't do you much good.
It is well known that improper nutrition and poor diet is attributed to nearly all disease, from a simple cold to cancer. The key to curing illness and maintaining good health is simple, eat good wholesome self prepared food from organic sources, some of it raw, and detox the body of all toxins.
Forget processed food or limit your intake.
There is an ancient way of life, an ancient wisdom that is growing in popularity. From a time when the population was few and the only food availabe grew from the ground, swam in water, walked the ground and flew in the air. For the few that learn the benefits of good eating, the rewards are so worthwhile.
Quite simply, high doses of nutrients, cure disease, with good nutrition the body heals itself, with good nutrition the body remains in balance, cells and organs working in perfect harmony. If everyone ate organic with a minimum of manufactured food we would see an epidemic, this would be an epidemic of good health.
Vitamins get a bad rap, why? It is known, but mostly suppressed that high doses of vitamins and nutrients cure disease. There are foods that cure diabetes, hypertension, depression, anxiety, fatigue, the list is endless, there are natural therapies that cure cancer, foods that detoxify the body, foods that help you lose weight , permanently. With good nutrition, THE BODY HEALS ITSELF.......DIETRY CHANGE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU ARE ILL, AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE CANCER.
Why do you not know this? There is no profit here for the giant pharmaceutical industry that has little interest in anything it has not produced for itself. Cures for cancer by individuals will never, repeat NEVER, be even looked at by the pharma or your government and regulatory bodies that are under the thumb of the drug industry. Some of the cures are on my blog.
Drug companise actively disseminate information to paint alternative and natural cures, vitamins and nutritional cures black, because of self interests and we believe the old adage; PAINT IT BLACK AND PEOPLE WILL LISTEN... so, instead we learn, if you are ill, take one of our pills.
There is enough information to enable you to research, if you have cancer, please research, look for another way to assist your recovery and even if you take the medical route of, poison, cut and burn, dietary change will help you. I do not advocate that you refuse medicine and drugs, I cannot do that, I ask you to educate yourself and make your own decisions.
Most cures, including my own will remain annecdotal, regardless of how effective they are, vitamins, good food, will always be rubbished as a cure, promising cancer cures, Dr burzynsky's anteoplastons, Dichloroacetate, Hemp Oil with THC, Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy, and many others, well documented and proven, will never become mainstream unless we do something about it.
I am David, the Geordie Healer, who has beaten Terminal cancer, depression, hypertension and diabetes. I can do nothing that you cannot do.
Todays blog is not about who we are or what we are capable of, this is addressed in previous blogs of mine. If your conditioning is uppermost in your mind, ie, drugs cure, religion will save my soul, food manufacturers produce good food in pretty boxes, and you believe this, you would probably not visit my site anyway. Todays blog is about food, vitamins and drugs. I will create the bones and you can research. Educate yourself into what is going on, and learn why the billions of profit are more important than your life.
Hippocrates, often referred to as, the "father of medicine" quoted a phrase that was adopted by the medical profession and they all swear to this oath; FIRST DO NO HARM...Our preoccupation that every illness can be treated with drugs, in my view, compromises this oath. Our primary focus on drugs and the protection that we give to the companies that manufacture and distribute them at high cost and high profit, when it is evident that we have an epidemic of illness and cancer; the question has to be. Is that focus in our best interests as people of the world?
My first point in this; drugs, in the main, do not cure, they merely suppress symptoms. If the underlying reason for the illness, remains untreated, the symptoms may be suppressed with drugs, but the illness will not go away. It is not in the interests of the giant pharmaceutical industry to cure people, they want you to be ill, to take drugs and medicines for as long as possible, and for cancer treatments, (known not to work in the main) for the short time between diagnosis and death, to help them generate their billions.
It is well known that drugs often do more harm than good, and statistically, in the UK at least 10 thousand people die of side effects of drugs every year, in the US that figure rises to over 100 thousand. I would guess the figures are much greater. Yet we accept this; after all who dares to take on these giant companies that wield so much power that anyone who questions will be shot down in flames. We have a saying - Power corrupts, there is another, Money is the root of all evil.
Not one cell of your body is made from drugs, drugs are designed to trick the cells into opening the door of the cells protection to letting them in, the cells react, sometimes to reduce symptoms but often a side effect is born, then you need another drug. Drugs are fairly new in the history of man, drugs are, quite simply, toxic. The body reacts, but not always in a good way.
I do not say all drugs are bad, some are necessary to control symptoms and some are very effective, but I question the approach of a pill for everything, this is the goal of pharmaceutical chemical companies. Drugs rarely cure and create good health, but we are conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that we have to trust our doctor. We need a new approach, to look at the underlying cause of illness and not just the symptoms.
I find it truly amazing that doctors have so little training in nutrition, why is this? Simply because they are trained to administer drugs before anything else.
All we are physically came out of the earth, every mineral that produced the 60 trillion cells in our body is made up of Mother Earth and will return to Mother Earth when we die. It makes sense that whatever is grown in the ground, flies in the air, lives off the ground or swims in the sea will be good for us, because it has all grown from the same earth.
The problem is this; food manufacturers fill the shelves in the supermarkets with pretty boxes and tins. Within packaging, is food that has been mixed, modified, preserved, dyed, flavour enhanced and mixed with manufacturered additions that would make you puke. Much of it, pre packed and pretty is, dead food, with little nutritional value. It is affordable, fills your belly and often makes you ill. The current health crisis, I believe, has alot to do with dead, processed food, it tastes nice but doesn't do you much good.
It is well known that improper nutrition and poor diet is attributed to nearly all disease, from a simple cold to cancer. The key to curing illness and maintaining good health is simple, eat good wholesome self prepared food from organic sources, some of it raw, and detox the body of all toxins.
Forget processed food or limit your intake.
There is an ancient way of life, an ancient wisdom that is growing in popularity. From a time when the population was few and the only food availabe grew from the ground, swam in water, walked the ground and flew in the air. For the few that learn the benefits of good eating, the rewards are so worthwhile.
Quite simply, high doses of nutrients, cure disease, with good nutrition the body heals itself, with good nutrition the body remains in balance, cells and organs working in perfect harmony. If everyone ate organic with a minimum of manufactured food we would see an epidemic, this would be an epidemic of good health.
Vitamins get a bad rap, why? It is known, but mostly suppressed that high doses of vitamins and nutrients cure disease. There are foods that cure diabetes, hypertension, depression, anxiety, fatigue, the list is endless, there are natural therapies that cure cancer, foods that detoxify the body, foods that help you lose weight , permanently. With good nutrition, THE BODY HEALS ITSELF.......DIETRY CHANGE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE IF YOU ARE ILL, AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE CANCER.
Why do you not know this? There is no profit here for the giant pharmaceutical industry that has little interest in anything it has not produced for itself. Cures for cancer by individuals will never, repeat NEVER, be even looked at by the pharma or your government and regulatory bodies that are under the thumb of the drug industry. Some of the cures are on my blog.
Drug companise actively disseminate information to paint alternative and natural cures, vitamins and nutritional cures black, because of self interests and we believe the old adage; PAINT IT BLACK AND PEOPLE WILL LISTEN... so, instead we learn, if you are ill, take one of our pills.
There is enough information to enable you to research, if you have cancer, please research, look for another way to assist your recovery and even if you take the medical route of, poison, cut and burn, dietary change will help you. I do not advocate that you refuse medicine and drugs, I cannot do that, I ask you to educate yourself and make your own decisions.
Most cures, including my own will remain annecdotal, regardless of how effective they are, vitamins, good food, will always be rubbished as a cure, promising cancer cures, Dr burzynsky's anteoplastons, Dichloroacetate, Hemp Oil with THC, Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy, and many others, well documented and proven, will never become mainstream unless we do something about it.
I am David, the Geordie Healer, who has beaten Terminal cancer, depression, hypertension and diabetes. I can do nothing that you cannot do.
Friday, 23 September 2011
It is my belief, and if you want to correct me, please do.
Do Governments care for the people, or are they more interested in money, power, and fiscal growth.
The answer is fairly obvious and it is not you Do major food manufacturers consider the quality of their food over profit?
Do the multi billion profit pharmaceutical industries really consider the wellbeing of the general public when they are selling drugs, when many of them have so many side effects that they are responsible for thousands of deaths every year? The answer again is no. I accept that many medicines are necessary and highly effective, but do they really put our wellbeing over profit? Did anyone ever die of chemotherapy poisoning? Of course not, they all died of cancer.
Do they ignore promising cancer treatments and try to ban natural herbs/ medicines because they are trying to protect us.
We can all make a difference if we become aware and start asking questions, there is so much we are not supposed to know, or ask about. We can change the world if we become passionate for life; together we can make that difference.
Do Governments care for the people, or are they more interested in money, power, and fiscal growth.
The answer is fairly obvious and it is not you Do major food manufacturers consider the quality of their food over profit?
Do the multi billion profit pharmaceutical industries really consider the wellbeing of the general public when they are selling drugs, when many of them have so many side effects that they are responsible for thousands of deaths every year? The answer again is no. I accept that many medicines are necessary and highly effective, but do they really put our wellbeing over profit? Did anyone ever die of chemotherapy poisoning? Of course not, they all died of cancer.
Do they ignore promising cancer treatments and try to ban natural herbs/ medicines because they are trying to protect us.
We can all make a difference if we become aware and start asking questions, there is so much we are not supposed to know, or ask about. We can change the world if we become passionate for life; together we can make that difference.
GUEST BLOG, David Haas.
I am more than happy to include writings from other bloggers that fit in with my thinking. Thank you David for your information. David Haas Blog
With all the technology, medications, and other scientific structures surrounding the medical world, it is easy to forget the power of support when dealing with cancer. Whether you or a loved one is survivor of any type of cancer including common cancers such as skin cancer or even a rare cancer like mesothelioma, words of encouragement and faith can go a long way in coping with treatments and recovery.
One option is to join a support group with others in a similar situation. There are support groups for specific types of cancer, survivors of cancer, and loved ones of those who are suffering. There will be times that you feel alone or defined by your condition, support groups connect you with people who feel the same way. Together you will all realize that you are individuals with unique characteristics, backgrounds, and tastes. These are the aspects that define you, not the cancer.
Many of these support groups are in person, but they can also be conducted online for those who do not have easy access to a physical location. People can discuss their struggles, triumphs, and hopes for the future without being judged or criticized. Dozens of online support groups exist, and they are free to join. Try a few out to find the one that accommodates your needs. Here are some great online support groups:
Another method of support that is used in conjunction with support groups is writing therapy. Keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings allows you to release them in a productive and healthy manner. People tend to keep their emotions bottled up, especially during stressful times such as these. However, an unhealthy mind can facilitate the decline of an unhealthy body. The journal topics can be whatever you feel like writing in the moment, or may be suggested by people at your support group. You can share these writings with a loved one, or you can keep them private. A journal simply acts as an outlet that won't talk back, judge, or demand.
It does not matter what stage of cancer you are in. You may be in remission, in treatment, or a survivor. The power of support can heal the mind so that the body can focus on healing itself. Mesothelioma doctors can take care of the physical aspects, but you are responsible for getting yourself the support you need. Find a group that fits your needs, and carry a journal with you. You don't have to do this alone.
By: David Haas
With all the technology, medications, and other scientific structures surrounding the medical world, it is easy to forget the power of support when dealing with cancer. Whether you or a loved one is survivor of any type of cancer including common cancers such as skin cancer or even a rare cancer like mesothelioma, words of encouragement and faith can go a long way in coping with treatments and recovery.
One option is to join a support group with others in a similar situation. There are support groups for specific types of cancer, survivors of cancer, and loved ones of those who are suffering. There will be times that you feel alone or defined by your condition, support groups connect you with people who feel the same way. Together you will all realize that you are individuals with unique characteristics, backgrounds, and tastes. These are the aspects that define you, not the cancer.
Many of these support groups are in person, but they can also be conducted online for those who do not have easy access to a physical location. People can discuss their struggles, triumphs, and hopes for the future without being judged or criticized. Dozens of online support groups exist, and they are free to join. Try a few out to find the one that accommodates your needs. Here are some great online support groups:
Another method of support that is used in conjunction with support groups is writing therapy. Keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings allows you to release them in a productive and healthy manner. People tend to keep their emotions bottled up, especially during stressful times such as these. However, an unhealthy mind can facilitate the decline of an unhealthy body. The journal topics can be whatever you feel like writing in the moment, or may be suggested by people at your support group. You can share these writings with a loved one, or you can keep them private. A journal simply acts as an outlet that won't talk back, judge, or demand.
It does not matter what stage of cancer you are in. You may be in remission, in treatment, or a survivor. The power of support can heal the mind so that the body can focus on healing itself. Mesothelioma doctors can take care of the physical aspects, but you are responsible for getting yourself the support you need. Find a group that fits your needs, and carry a journal with you. You don't have to do this alone.
By: David Haas
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Welcome to my blog, you are probably visiting because you have cancer.
If you read my posts, you will find what I believe cured my own cancer, this cancer (multiple myeloma) has no cure. I have proved that it can be beaten, although I understand how difficult it must be for someone caught in the grip of fear of a terminal cancer, to utilise my methods and change conditioned beliefs.
However there are cures, well documented and advertised that are ignored by governments and pharmaceutical companies because they do not want you to know about them. Oncologists will tell you how dangerous they are to you whilst promoting the poisons that may well kill you. Cancer research spends millions looking for a drug that will cure cancer, while ignoring proven cures.
The drug industry makes many essential and wonderful medicines, but it also maintains its strangle hold on cancer research and treatment, no single individual or organisation finding a cancer cure can fight the assault that will hit them. One man did, and his story is linked later in this post, Dr Burzynski. Pharmaceuticals keep their strangle hold on cancer treatment purely because of PROFIT. This is a huge multi billion pound industry holding the power over life and death, with government approval.
If you have cancer, please do some research, look up DHC (Dichloracetate)Research at The university of Alberta in Canada, has found it to kill, brain, breast, and lung cancer cells, but mainstream research will not touch it because it cannot be patented, there are also very few side effects and is well tolerated.
This next one is huge, I urge you to watch this trailer, Dr Burzynski, from Poland, found a peptide that was lacking in people who had cancer, and was found in abundance in people without cancer. He chemically extracted a compound called Antineoplastons from blood and urine in his own lab in Houston, Texas, and gave it to people with cancer, many of them inoperable, the story will shock you and anger you. This is a genuine, proven cure for cancer.But you can have the treatment, research it please, but start here by watching this. Greg Burzynski. This next one is illegal but is worth a look, you will find it on Utube, search for 'RUN FROM THE CURE' it is the story of Rick Simpson who used Marijuana to cure cancer. This is an extract of the whole marijuana plant that is not addictive and it does not give you a 'high' it is called HEMP OIL WITH THC. THC is the magic ingredient that is not found in normal hemp oil but has to be extracted from the whole plant. The video gives proof of it having cured cancers in people that doctors had written off.
I always advocate research, if you have cancer, it is your cancer, your body and your responsibility to choose wisely. Some cancers are easily cured by conventional medicine, many are not and the treatment itself will probably kill you or damage you, but it is all they have and they know nothing different and are not taught any different. However it is also true that many oncologists would refuse conventional cancer treatment, I wonder why?
This is just a few alternative treatments, there are many more and I will post more later. Just remember, research, research, research.
UPDATE. Dr Greg Burzynski, film may not now be available for free, this link will give you the first half hour (and most important part) of that film. I believe the whole film can be purchased on DVD. First half hour
UPDATE: Dichloroacetate. In 2010 clinical trials on Brain Cancer, dichloroacetate showed great promise and further trials on hundreds of patients are underway. Watch this space.
If you read my posts, you will find what I believe cured my own cancer, this cancer (multiple myeloma) has no cure. I have proved that it can be beaten, although I understand how difficult it must be for someone caught in the grip of fear of a terminal cancer, to utilise my methods and change conditioned beliefs.
However there are cures, well documented and advertised that are ignored by governments and pharmaceutical companies because they do not want you to know about them. Oncologists will tell you how dangerous they are to you whilst promoting the poisons that may well kill you. Cancer research spends millions looking for a drug that will cure cancer, while ignoring proven cures.
The drug industry makes many essential and wonderful medicines, but it also maintains its strangle hold on cancer research and treatment, no single individual or organisation finding a cancer cure can fight the assault that will hit them. One man did, and his story is linked later in this post, Dr Burzynski. Pharmaceuticals keep their strangle hold on cancer treatment purely because of PROFIT. This is a huge multi billion pound industry holding the power over life and death, with government approval.
If you have cancer, please do some research, look up DHC (Dichloracetate)Research at The university of Alberta in Canada, has found it to kill, brain, breast, and lung cancer cells, but mainstream research will not touch it because it cannot be patented, there are also very few side effects and is well tolerated.
This next one is huge, I urge you to watch this trailer, Dr Burzynski, from Poland, found a peptide that was lacking in people who had cancer, and was found in abundance in people without cancer. He chemically extracted a compound called Antineoplastons from blood and urine in his own lab in Houston, Texas, and gave it to people with cancer, many of them inoperable, the story will shock you and anger you. This is a genuine, proven cure for cancer.But you can have the treatment, research it please, but start here by watching this. Greg Burzynski. This next one is illegal but is worth a look, you will find it on Utube, search for 'RUN FROM THE CURE' it is the story of Rick Simpson who used Marijuana to cure cancer. This is an extract of the whole marijuana plant that is not addictive and it does not give you a 'high' it is called HEMP OIL WITH THC. THC is the magic ingredient that is not found in normal hemp oil but has to be extracted from the whole plant. The video gives proof of it having cured cancers in people that doctors had written off.
I always advocate research, if you have cancer, it is your cancer, your body and your responsibility to choose wisely. Some cancers are easily cured by conventional medicine, many are not and the treatment itself will probably kill you or damage you, but it is all they have and they know nothing different and are not taught any different. However it is also true that many oncologists would refuse conventional cancer treatment, I wonder why?
This is just a few alternative treatments, there are many more and I will post more later. Just remember, research, research, research.
UPDATE. Dr Greg Burzynski, film may not now be available for free, this link will give you the first half hour (and most important part) of that film. I believe the whole film can be purchased on DVD. First half hour
UPDATE: Dichloroacetate. In 2010 clinical trials on Brain Cancer, dichloroacetate showed great promise and further trials on hundreds of patients are underway. Watch this space.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
What we see and touch we can believe in. This is because our minds are tuned into this third dimensional world. Our human journey from birth to death is our journey clothed in physical matter, projected into linear time. Neither has any relevance beyond our physical death.
What travels with us is the invisible aspect that is the source of you, that holds the answers to the questions we have all pondered. Who are we and where did we come from? I write about this in my poetry. Here is one for you to think about.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply, is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we journey through this life
When we sever the connection
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
What travels with us is the invisible aspect that is the source of you, that holds the answers to the questions we have all pondered. Who are we and where did we come from? I write about this in my poetry. Here is one for you to think about.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply, is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we journey through this life
When we sever the connection
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Ovid, the Greek poet, said, You never know when and where your next miracle will appear. So be ready. Be open. Be cheerful, receptive, even expectant.
And do not limit the shape and size in which your miracle can come.
Sometimes the smallest keys turn the biggest locks.
WOW, I love this.
There are clues we find that help us when the worst happens. When the fear of our cancer overpowers our waking moments, stops us sleeping and moves our expectation from life to death.
Create your own miracle, cancer is an energy, life is so much greater, so much more powerful. When you transcend the limitations of the mind, miracles happen. In reality there are no miracles, there is only life, and life has no limitations, you have to believe in it.
And do not limit the shape and size in which your miracle can come.
Sometimes the smallest keys turn the biggest locks.
WOW, I love this.
There are clues we find that help us when the worst happens. When the fear of our cancer overpowers our waking moments, stops us sleeping and moves our expectation from life to death.
Create your own miracle, cancer is an energy, life is so much greater, so much more powerful. When you transcend the limitations of the mind, miracles happen. In reality there are no miracles, there is only life, and life has no limitations, you have to believe in it.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
I have mentioned Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy on my blog as a possible cure for all cancers. If you suffer from MM or any other cancer, you have to make informed decisions about your treatment.
I do not recommend this treatment personally, and advise that, any alternative treatment should be referred to your oncologist before taking it. However I have used it for my sinus problem which cleared up after many years of suffering. I did not use it for curing my cancer, but would have no hesitation in doing so.
Research is key and this must not be understated, your life may be at stake with cancer and especially MM.
I can pass on information about a book that is a 'must read' it is written by, Tanya Harter Pierce, called "OUTSMART YOUR CANCER." It is available from Amazon. She says to use Formula 23 for Multiple Myeloma (pg. 176.)
It is sad that there are many alternative cancer treatments are ignored by the medical profession, many of these treatments have been proven to work. Unfortunately for the cancer sufferer, the medical regime for cancer makes so much money, the 'big pharma' will ignore anything it does not produce itself. It will also actively discourage and ridicule these treatments, doctors will look in horror at your 'stupidity' for trying anything they have not been trained to administer. The medical 'status quo' is a train that will refuse to be derailed. They will tell you that alternative treatments have not been tested and they will damage you, even though many cures have been well documented.
I will also mention, Sodium Dichloroacetate which shows so much promise, and Hemp oil with thc, (thc is important) which is made from an illegal plant, Marijuana, but you cannot have them because they are unproven these and other alternative treatments will remain unproven because there is no profit for the pharma industry. Grrrrrr.
Try a Google search on them.
Rant over. UPDATE..JUNE 2012.. Hydrogen Peroxide therapy needs careful administration, please note, it can be dangerous. ALWAYS research and make sure you do it properly, there is an abundance of information available. Cancer tumours cannot survive in an oxygen rich, sugar free environment, sugar is a non food and is toxic to the body. Cancer needs low oxygen and sugar and in that body environment it is 'party time' for its growith. Nutrition is important, cut out processed food; it is dead food, eat healthy and research what you eat. Here is an interesting site Oxygen Therapy I also post a link to Dr Rath who links the spread of cancer to nutritional deficiency, well worth a visit. Always remember, wherever there is an alternative therapy on the internet you will find a site near the top that will pour scorn on that therapy and even to attacking the Doctor or Scientist that discovered it. These sites are funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry, why???? because they do not want you cured, they want more drugs, more treatments; and if you die, so what!! they do not care. Follow the money and you will find the conspiracy.
I do not recommend this treatment personally, and advise that, any alternative treatment should be referred to your oncologist before taking it. However I have used it for my sinus problem which cleared up after many years of suffering. I did not use it for curing my cancer, but would have no hesitation in doing so.
Research is key and this must not be understated, your life may be at stake with cancer and especially MM.
I can pass on information about a book that is a 'must read' it is written by, Tanya Harter Pierce, called "OUTSMART YOUR CANCER." It is available from Amazon. She says to use Formula 23 for Multiple Myeloma (pg. 176.)
It is sad that there are many alternative cancer treatments are ignored by the medical profession, many of these treatments have been proven to work. Unfortunately for the cancer sufferer, the medical regime for cancer makes so much money, the 'big pharma' will ignore anything it does not produce itself. It will also actively discourage and ridicule these treatments, doctors will look in horror at your 'stupidity' for trying anything they have not been trained to administer. The medical 'status quo' is a train that will refuse to be derailed. They will tell you that alternative treatments have not been tested and they will damage you, even though many cures have been well documented.
I will also mention, Sodium Dichloroacetate which shows so much promise, and Hemp oil with thc, (thc is important) which is made from an illegal plant, Marijuana, but you cannot have them because they are unproven these and other alternative treatments will remain unproven because there is no profit for the pharma industry. Grrrrrr.
Try a Google search on them.
Rant over. UPDATE..JUNE 2012.. Hydrogen Peroxide therapy needs careful administration, please note, it can be dangerous. ALWAYS research and make sure you do it properly, there is an abundance of information available. Cancer tumours cannot survive in an oxygen rich, sugar free environment, sugar is a non food and is toxic to the body. Cancer needs low oxygen and sugar and in that body environment it is 'party time' for its growith. Nutrition is important, cut out processed food; it is dead food, eat healthy and research what you eat. Here is an interesting site Oxygen Therapy I also post a link to Dr Rath who links the spread of cancer to nutritional deficiency, well worth a visit. Always remember, wherever there is an alternative therapy on the internet you will find a site near the top that will pour scorn on that therapy and even to attacking the Doctor or Scientist that discovered it. These sites are funded by the Pharmaceutical Industry, why???? because they do not want you cured, they want more drugs, more treatments; and if you die, so what!! they do not care. Follow the money and you will find the conspiracy.
Friday, 4 February 2011
It is February 2011, 12 years after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (1gA kappa) and in one of my blogs I mentioned that, after 10 years cancer free and with no treatment other than the failed treatment in 1999, my cancer returned as a trace, January 2010. I believe this happened because I lost my focus due to a clinical depression, I also said that I would deal with it.
My latest result from the Hospital yearly check is as follows:- Hb 14.9, white cell count 5.1, platelets 231, neutrophils 3.2. Biochemical profile normal, protein electrophoresis - no paraprotein detectable.
Job done.
My latest result from the Hospital yearly check is as follows:- Hb 14.9, white cell count 5.1, platelets 231, neutrophils 3.2. Biochemical profile normal, protein electrophoresis - no paraprotein detectable.
Job done.
There is a greater knowing
A divine connection
Eternally you
It is never of the mind
But always of the heart
It walks with us
It talks to us
In feelings
Where words fail
We rarely listen
To this silent voice
We feel it
It resonates in our heart
And when we feel it
We know it is true
It whispers
Come inside
Be with me
And learn of who you are
David Thomson 2011
A divine connection
Eternally you
It is never of the mind
But always of the heart
It walks with us
It talks to us
In feelings
Where words fail
We rarely listen
To this silent voice
We feel it
It resonates in our heart
And when we feel it
We know it is true
It whispers
Come inside
Be with me
And learn of who you are
David Thomson 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Cancer, that dreaded word, will take many of us to the 'edge of the cliff.'
We carry judgements, limitations, disharmony, grievences and so much more, in a negative sense. These are presumptions based on personal experience in our lives which lodge in our sub-conscious, some will lift us into a happy state during a rememberence of a special moment, but many will drive us into a deep feeling of pain and loss. It is this deep feeling that carries an energetic charge that can emerge as a physical condition. Although there are many causes of illness and cancer there is one thing that we cannot afford to cling to. The energetic charge of hurt and resentment and anything we carry that challenges us negatively as humans.
I was reminded the other day of the story of the male duck that meets another male duck and immediately fights with much vigour, flapping of wings and loud quacking. Eventually they part and with a final flap of their wings and a shake of the head, they swim away and.....FORGET. They just get on with their duck life but do not carry the conflict any further in their memories.
Not so the human mind, we categorise and file the bad memories into a sub-conscious place called pain, and carry it all our lives. It is our nature to do this and it can hurt us severely.
When cancer strikes, we need to lift our energy, not drag it deep into the sub-conscious place of fear and pain. This is where most people lose the fight and is the reason for my first statement. We are not just a jumble of cells, a body and a mind. We are so much more; our consciousness, the energy of who we are, our spiritual charge, is given the creative capacity to choose, to be creative, to be all we can be, and to discover who we are beyond what we see. Just look what the human mind has achieved in this world; everything began with a thought.
When we are taken to the edge of a precipice, we are faced with a choice. It is not a time to fall over the edge in fear and futility, but to raise our energy, connect with our higher intelligence (soul) and kill the beast that is growing inside of us before it kills us. We all have the creative energy to do this at our deepest level of heart, not head. Teachers of the spiritual tell us we are all one, we are part of the God-consciousness, children of the universe and powerful beyond belief, we all sing the same song, many of us have been challenged and have prevailed to be able to tell others, who they really are. Spiritual knowing and our message has never changed, science is forever playing 'catch up,' and medical knowing just does not understand what we are beyond the human cell.
In reality our energy consciousness is eternal and will fly free when our bodies are no longer able to hold its energy field, we return to the dimension we began the journey towards the earth experience, back into 'oneness.' Whilst in the human body its energy can be raised or lowered by our thinking, this is our creative mindset that we have little knowing of how to control, because we are unaware of our inbuilt powers to do so. Our task, to find out and apply our spiritually creative intelligence, the essence of who we really are, to our earth living, to assist in making our own and every other life we touch, simply... better. Even if we fail in this task in this world of form, we have stiill had the experience at this physical level, to take home. All experience is valid; we can make it a beautiful one if we recognise the truth and power of who we really are. Cancer is nothing to the human spirit, but is everything to the mindset that keeps it growing inside.
Cancer, that dreaded word, will take many of us to the 'edge of the cliff.'
We carry judgements, limitations, disharmony, grievences and so much more, in a negative sense. These are presumptions based on personal experience in our lives which lodge in our sub-conscious, some will lift us into a happy state during a rememberence of a special moment, but many will drive us into a deep feeling of pain and loss. It is this deep feeling that carries an energetic charge that can emerge as a physical condition. Although there are many causes of illness and cancer there is one thing that we cannot afford to cling to. The energetic charge of hurt and resentment and anything we carry that challenges us negatively as humans.
I was reminded the other day of the story of the male duck that meets another male duck and immediately fights with much vigour, flapping of wings and loud quacking. Eventually they part and with a final flap of their wings and a shake of the head, they swim away and.....FORGET. They just get on with their duck life but do not carry the conflict any further in their memories.
Not so the human mind, we categorise and file the bad memories into a sub-conscious place called pain, and carry it all our lives. It is our nature to do this and it can hurt us severely.
When cancer strikes, we need to lift our energy, not drag it deep into the sub-conscious place of fear and pain. This is where most people lose the fight and is the reason for my first statement. We are not just a jumble of cells, a body and a mind. We are so much more; our consciousness, the energy of who we are, our spiritual charge, is given the creative capacity to choose, to be creative, to be all we can be, and to discover who we are beyond what we see. Just look what the human mind has achieved in this world; everything began with a thought.
When we are taken to the edge of a precipice, we are faced with a choice. It is not a time to fall over the edge in fear and futility, but to raise our energy, connect with our higher intelligence (soul) and kill the beast that is growing inside of us before it kills us. We all have the creative energy to do this at our deepest level of heart, not head. Teachers of the spiritual tell us we are all one, we are part of the God-consciousness, children of the universe and powerful beyond belief, we all sing the same song, many of us have been challenged and have prevailed to be able to tell others, who they really are. Spiritual knowing and our message has never changed, science is forever playing 'catch up,' and medical knowing just does not understand what we are beyond the human cell.
In reality our energy consciousness is eternal and will fly free when our bodies are no longer able to hold its energy field, we return to the dimension we began the journey towards the earth experience, back into 'oneness.' Whilst in the human body its energy can be raised or lowered by our thinking, this is our creative mindset that we have little knowing of how to control, because we are unaware of our inbuilt powers to do so. Our task, to find out and apply our spiritually creative intelligence, the essence of who we really are, to our earth living, to assist in making our own and every other life we touch, simply... better. Even if we fail in this task in this world of form, we have stiill had the experience at this physical level, to take home. All experience is valid; we can make it a beautiful one if we recognise the truth and power of who we really are. Cancer is nothing to the human spirit, but is everything to the mindset that keeps it growing inside.
I am David, survivor of Multiple Myeloma, a terminal cancer with no hope and no medical cure.
Faith and true knowing is not something we find easily because we can be so negative in our thinking. We are taught to worship God in the form of what culture we were born to in the world. We generally take on the beliefs of our parents and caregivers who teach us the 'art of living'. This does not help us when we are facing our demise because of terminal illness. Our thoughts bounce around fear and futility and whilst we may feel positive and outwardly strong, deep down we are shaking with fear.
Where is our God when we are alone, in pain, or in bed at 3am in the morning facing death by illness and cancer. Believe me, early morning is a very 'alone' time when we feel helpless. Everyone is asleep and we are alone with our negative thinking, tossing and turning, fearing the worst. We pray but find little hope in that. Where is the power of prayer if we don't really believe what we are doing. Prayer is really powerful if it comes from the heart.
I have learned that we are never alone; I have my own proof that God never existed outside of us and that it is simply the awesome consciousness to which we are all connected and an eternal part of who we are. The power of that connection to affect all aspects of our lives is open to us all, yet few touch this connection. Those who awaken to its possibility find that belief and knowing.
Faith and true knowing is not something we find easily because we can be so negative in our thinking. We are taught to worship God in the form of what culture we were born to in the world. We generally take on the beliefs of our parents and caregivers who teach us the 'art of living'. This does not help us when we are facing our demise because of terminal illness. Our thoughts bounce around fear and futility and whilst we may feel positive and outwardly strong, deep down we are shaking with fear.
Where is our God when we are alone, in pain, or in bed at 3am in the morning facing death by illness and cancer. Believe me, early morning is a very 'alone' time when we feel helpless. Everyone is asleep and we are alone with our negative thinking, tossing and turning, fearing the worst. We pray but find little hope in that. Where is the power of prayer if we don't really believe what we are doing. Prayer is really powerful if it comes from the heart.
I have learned that we are never alone; I have my own proof that God never existed outside of us and that it is simply the awesome consciousness to which we are all connected and an eternal part of who we are. The power of that connection to affect all aspects of our lives is open to us all, yet few touch this connection. Those who awaken to its possibility find that belief and knowing.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
We are all on a journey, this journey through life is real. There are those who believe that we live in a holographic universe, born out of conscious thought. Yes, I believe this to be valid, science knows that there is an energy it cannot explain with its scientific theories, science knows that what we perceive is not solid, but flowing, vibrating energy with so little physical matter. Science also knows that atoms can disappear and reappear somewhere else and that observation of certain phenomena (as in the 'Double slit experiment)negates the phenomenon until the observation ceases. It knows of the connection between cells and the reaction between them is instant, no matter how far apart they are, stimulus to cells from a body 100 miles apart happen simultaneously. Our journey through life was chosen individually and is lived individually
When I am Healing or reading Earth Energies from a distance, I am connected to the matrix that connects all things and like the telephone line I can connect to anyone, anywhere in the world. This cannot be explained and will never be explained by science, it is simply not for testing. We are not meant to prove that it works, only to know that it does.
My point is; the invisible world of consiousness, the unity to which we all belong, the God force that is the basis of all life, is not for science to discover. Simply because we are all on a journey of discovery in our life from birth to death. Our time within the physical is a time where we choose, we can live as most do fully involved in the mind, our human living and five senses.
Beneath that journey there is a part of us that is not born to this world, that exists within the formless dimension of the God consciousness. It is the larger part of who we are without the limits of the human mind, it travels with us on our journey through life, it is pure love and of supreme intelligence. We rarely touch this energy, but when we do, we are changed forever.
We have personal responsibility for what we do, we live our lives touching the lives of others as we integrate into the human collective and form our own relationships, opinions, and beliefs of who we think we are. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, they are all valid human journeys. In truth we are so much more than we believe with access to our beautiful and timeless inner self, jorneying silently with us through the human game. When we fall it is always there waiting for recognition, longing to help but unable to do so until we learn of its presence and when we do, our journey through life takes a different meaning.
One day we will know about connectedness, one day we will tear down the barriers of belief and human separation, we stand at the beginning of this process, all is as it should be. Learning takes time.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we lose our human focus
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
David Thomson.
When I am Healing or reading Earth Energies from a distance, I am connected to the matrix that connects all things and like the telephone line I can connect to anyone, anywhere in the world. This cannot be explained and will never be explained by science, it is simply not for testing. We are not meant to prove that it works, only to know that it does.
My point is; the invisible world of consiousness, the unity to which we all belong, the God force that is the basis of all life, is not for science to discover. Simply because we are all on a journey of discovery in our life from birth to death. Our time within the physical is a time where we choose, we can live as most do fully involved in the mind, our human living and five senses.
Beneath that journey there is a part of us that is not born to this world, that exists within the formless dimension of the God consciousness. It is the larger part of who we are without the limits of the human mind, it travels with us on our journey through life, it is pure love and of supreme intelligence. We rarely touch this energy, but when we do, we are changed forever.
We have personal responsibility for what we do, we live our lives touching the lives of others as we integrate into the human collective and form our own relationships, opinions, and beliefs of who we think we are. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, they are all valid human journeys. In truth we are so much more than we believe with access to our beautiful and timeless inner self, jorneying silently with us through the human game. When we fall it is always there waiting for recognition, longing to help but unable to do so until we learn of its presence and when we do, our journey through life takes a different meaning.
One day we will know about connectedness, one day we will tear down the barriers of belief and human separation, we stand at the beginning of this process, all is as it should be. Learning takes time.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we lose our human focus
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
David Thomson.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Many people who are seriously ill and who are facing their demise will become receptive to alternative forms of medicine. There are many who have embraced alternative therapies who have responded remarkably, and others who have had what we would call 'Miracle Cures.' There are no miracles although we can achieve the 'so called' impossible, and this will be dismissed as 'One of those things,' by medicine and science because they will not engage with the seemingly impossible. What is going on here? I will attempt to answer this.
Energy Healing is valid because energy is what we are, everything in the universe is vibrating energy and nothing is static. A simple rock is vibrating at a rate we cannot see, our bodies are not solid, they are 99.99999% empty space. It is our perception that makes us believe that the physical world is all we have and all we are is as seen reflected in a mirror. Illness is just energy gone wrong and this bad energy has impacted on our cellular structure. The energy that we are is designed to be perfect(there are exceptions to this but is not for this topic because it involves choices we make before we are born.) What we do to ourselves with the energy we take in as food, liquid,the environment we live in, and more importantly, the energy of our thoughts has made us sicker than we were designed to be. Cancer in 100 years has increased from 1 in 33 to 1 in 3 and there are many reasons why. I believe stress, Geopathic energy, Electromagnetic energy and Microwave eneries, to be a major cause of cancer and I have an article on my site about it.
So, when we have cancer we have this low energy inside us, (I like to see it as dark energy, it helps me focus on it.) It is a vibrating energy that will spread till it kills if it is not stopped. Energy healing directed by our meditative state, (not the mind) being present in the moment, not in the past or projecting into the future, healing happens in the 'now moment' when the mind is stilled and we achieve a private moment with ourselves. No-one can do this for us, we have to achieve it by ourselves. There are many meditations that can help in this respect and the internet has them available, so you can find what works for you.
BELIEFS. This can be the source of all our problems, especially when we have serious cancer. Even the word, cancer, conjours up fear and belief that we are going to die. This is a creative mode of thinking that will give you that outcome, if vou believe it.
What is a belief; beliefs are personal, at birth we have none, we learn by experience and build our beliefs into a thought form. We learn that there are things we can do and many things we cannot, society has an inbuilt system of living that we are taught from and early age. We are, simply, a product of what we think we can do and what we think we cannot, we create our own limitations. We are conditioned in ways dependant on where we are born and the culture we are born to, to believe what we are, how we should think, and what we should believe. If you believe cancer will kill you,(and most do regardless of how positive they are) if you believe, or fear, that cancer, once in remission will return, then your creative belief will make it happen. Our creativity coupled with our beliefs are so powerful.
PLACEBO. This is brilliant, something that often works when it should not. The source of many drug trial failures and an effect that most pharmaceuticals fear and dismiss again as 'one of those things.' Placebo works quite simply with the belief projected into our minds that, it can. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. When the man in the white coat, (you probably look up to this man as a professional who knows much better than you, and importantly, you trust him because you have been conditioned to do that) tells you that 'this pill will cure you.' why does it often work? Why does a sugar pill that has no healing properties cure someone or have a dramatic effect on illness? Because you believe it; and this belief has been reinforced by the man in the white coat. Again, we came back to belief, the creative belief that the mind pushes into the sub-consious to engage with our creative genius.
A placebo is a deception, it deceives the mind to create an outcome and it often works, it is little understood because science and medicine do not understand this creative process. They do not understand what we are, beyond the chemical and physical body that they see. The creative consciousness that is the source of all life is something that science cannot acknowledge, although they know that something exists, it is beyond scientific theory. Physics cannot explain.
Spirituality and creative consciousness, the energy of life that existed before you were born and will exist after you body has lost its ability to hold your energy in its physical matrix, is life, it is part of what we call God consciousness. There is no separation between this consciousness and six and a half billion people on this earth, other than the separation we impose on ourselves, God is not and never was external to us, and we are not powerless when we get cancer, we only believe we are.
Our technology has brought the seeds of human transformation, and this is now well established and growing. The internet gives us information at the touch of a button. It has allowed me to say that I have beaten the incurable cancer called Multiple Myeloma, otherwise you would never know, and how did I do this, because I know how I can. I will help you too.
You can do this too, I have no special powers, I am not special at all, but I know who I am and what I am not. Internet has given what has been repressed by the church and ignored by science, truth that has never changed in thousands of years, a truth that will eventually transform our thinking and give us the answers to the age old question of 'Who are we.'
Energy Healing is valid because energy is what we are, everything in the universe is vibrating energy and nothing is static. A simple rock is vibrating at a rate we cannot see, our bodies are not solid, they are 99.99999% empty space. It is our perception that makes us believe that the physical world is all we have and all we are is as seen reflected in a mirror. Illness is just energy gone wrong and this bad energy has impacted on our cellular structure. The energy that we are is designed to be perfect(there are exceptions to this but is not for this topic because it involves choices we make before we are born.) What we do to ourselves with the energy we take in as food, liquid,the environment we live in, and more importantly, the energy of our thoughts has made us sicker than we were designed to be. Cancer in 100 years has increased from 1 in 33 to 1 in 3 and there are many reasons why. I believe stress, Geopathic energy, Electromagnetic energy and Microwave eneries, to be a major cause of cancer and I have an article on my site about it.
So, when we have cancer we have this low energy inside us, (I like to see it as dark energy, it helps me focus on it.) It is a vibrating energy that will spread till it kills if it is not stopped. Energy healing directed by our meditative state, (not the mind) being present in the moment, not in the past or projecting into the future, healing happens in the 'now moment' when the mind is stilled and we achieve a private moment with ourselves. No-one can do this for us, we have to achieve it by ourselves. There are many meditations that can help in this respect and the internet has them available, so you can find what works for you.
BELIEFS. This can be the source of all our problems, especially when we have serious cancer. Even the word, cancer, conjours up fear and belief that we are going to die. This is a creative mode of thinking that will give you that outcome, if vou believe it.
What is a belief; beliefs are personal, at birth we have none, we learn by experience and build our beliefs into a thought form. We learn that there are things we can do and many things we cannot, society has an inbuilt system of living that we are taught from and early age. We are, simply, a product of what we think we can do and what we think we cannot, we create our own limitations. We are conditioned in ways dependant on where we are born and the culture we are born to, to believe what we are, how we should think, and what we should believe. If you believe cancer will kill you,(and most do regardless of how positive they are) if you believe, or fear, that cancer, once in remission will return, then your creative belief will make it happen. Our creativity coupled with our beliefs are so powerful.
PLACEBO. This is brilliant, something that often works when it should not. The source of many drug trial failures and an effect that most pharmaceuticals fear and dismiss again as 'one of those things.' Placebo works quite simply with the belief projected into our minds that, it can. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. When the man in the white coat, (you probably look up to this man as a professional who knows much better than you, and importantly, you trust him because you have been conditioned to do that) tells you that 'this pill will cure you.' why does it often work? Why does a sugar pill that has no healing properties cure someone or have a dramatic effect on illness? Because you believe it; and this belief has been reinforced by the man in the white coat. Again, we came back to belief, the creative belief that the mind pushes into the sub-consious to engage with our creative genius.
A placebo is a deception, it deceives the mind to create an outcome and it often works, it is little understood because science and medicine do not understand this creative process. They do not understand what we are, beyond the chemical and physical body that they see. The creative consciousness that is the source of all life is something that science cannot acknowledge, although they know that something exists, it is beyond scientific theory. Physics cannot explain.
Spirituality and creative consciousness, the energy of life that existed before you were born and will exist after you body has lost its ability to hold your energy in its physical matrix, is life, it is part of what we call God consciousness. There is no separation between this consciousness and six and a half billion people on this earth, other than the separation we impose on ourselves, God is not and never was external to us, and we are not powerless when we get cancer, we only believe we are.
Our technology has brought the seeds of human transformation, and this is now well established and growing. The internet gives us information at the touch of a button. It has allowed me to say that I have beaten the incurable cancer called Multiple Myeloma, otherwise you would never know, and how did I do this, because I know how I can. I will help you too.
You can do this too, I have no special powers, I am not special at all, but I know who I am and what I am not. Internet has given what has been repressed by the church and ignored by science, truth that has never changed in thousands of years, a truth that will eventually transform our thinking and give us the answers to the age old question of 'Who are we.'
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