I am always open to a story that has a message that opens the heart and makes me think about what it is to be a better person. Here is one I really like; it is a very old story.
A man was given the chance to visit Heaven and Hell during the time he was still alive. He chose to visit Hell first and came across a great gathering of people. These people were all seated at a great table and on this table was a feast of all manner of rich and abundant food. These people were starving, weeping and wailing for a taste of the food before them. On closer inspection the man could see that each of them had forks and spoons attached to their hands but they were so long that they could not lift the food to their mouths.
On seeing this miserable sight the man visited Heaven; there too he saw the same sight but the difference was that they were all happy, smiling and extremely well fed. They too had forks and spoons so long that they could not feed themselves and he noted that they did not even try to do so.
When we give up the self-interest that predominates in this world when we learn to participate in the more natural give and take we become better people. When we give we receive; a simple idea for a better world.