Sunday, 21 February 2010


Our psyche can be split into several parts. I will discuss some of those parts in small detail and if anyone wants to delve further into them, it is a simple job to look them up on a Google search.

FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS - Is where you are at this moment reading this blog, it is where you are in your daily life aware of what you are doing.

LOWER UNCONSCIOUS - Holds memories of our personal psychological past with all our forgotten memories, repressed complexes and energies. It can and often does control our actions and thoughts often , but not always, in a negative way.

MIDDLE CONSCIOUS - This is the home of our skills and talents ( our work, driving etc) and we can bring these into our field of consciousness at will.

SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS - A little known part of ourselves, our source of higher intuition and inspiration. Or, the genius within. What we think we are in our field of consciousness, the good and bad aspects of what we do are not the concern of our super conscious because it knows that what we become in life is represented by the most primitive part of ourselves. The super conscious represents all we can be and all we can reach as we evolve as human beings. The super conscious is truly a living reality; an infinite field of potential and love. There are no limits to what can be achieved when it is accessed. Access this field of potential and anything is possible.

What we believe ourselves to be, represented `by the 'personal self' or the 'I am,' our sense of identity is our individual level that regulates and directs the various elements of our personality. This is our confusion because our sense of identity does not know who we are, where we came from and where we go when we die. Of course, we have searched for answers to these questions for thousands of years. In my lifetime I have had many personal experiences that have given me the answers we seek, and for me, I am happy with this knowing, I have no fear of dying and I know of the power within. If I did not know this I would have been dead several years ago and would not be around to help others in their quest. I can tell you that there is no death and beyond what we call death ( although not as the Bible would advise) there is indeed life, but not as we know it, how could you believe this on my word only?
Here is my point; we are all on a journey, this world is our playground, our body is our vehicle of expression and what we do with it is our choice. We can live with our conditioning and learning only, knowing nothing about spirituality. We can go through life as complete sceptics, rubbishing the concept of life beyond death and the existence of God. This is OK, because there are many roads up the mountain but eventually we all reach the same place.

What has this to do with healing? Plenty..... Within our Field of Consciousness and our sense of identity we have learned limitations. We are told when young that we cannot do this and we cannot do that. We go to the doctor because he will heal us, we go to church for our salvation and we should not delve into spiritual knowledge because it will drive us mad.

When the worst thing happens to us, and I use the dreaded word..CANCER..we believe we are powerless and take the medicine. We are optimistic, we maintain that we will beat this thing growing inside us whilst secretly believing and fearing that we cannot and we will die. Of course there are cancers that can be cut out and eradicated by a medical regime and this is the power of medicine over us. We trust drugs and doctors, and in many cases, that trust is justified. BUT, when your oncologist tells you "there is nothing more we can do" he may as well stab you in the heart, because he has given you a death sentence. Your lower unconscious absorbs this information and it turns into a deep belief and no matter how positive you are, you are about to die.

Why does this happen? Simply, all the aspects of our self work together, some conscious, some are not. Our super-conscious will give us what we want and what we want is read in our deep beliefs. The runner who truly believes in the moment that he can win, will win. I remember my mother who saw my dad pinned under his car after it fell off the jack on top of him and would have died if her 5'2" body had not lifted a one and a half ton car off him. We can do seemingly impossible things when we are focused and centered. We have that power within. In the Bible it was said that "Faith can move mountains," and there is so much truth in that.

The ability to heal ourselves is within us, we have the bodily tools to repair ourselves but they are affected by our minds. The mind that tells you that you cannot; the limitation that your waking field of consciousness has as a deep belief in any field that you are unfamiliar. You can drive a car because you have learned to do it, at first you were shaky but soon got the hang of it. Now you don't have to think about it and it would never cross your mind that you cannot drive a car because you believe you can.

I talk about cancer because I had it; an incurable cancer that was eradicated when medicine failed. I knew no better at the time of my medication but after, realised I could get rid of it. I understand the power of belief and I have been severely tested over the years but am still here to tell the tale. I now have a minor blip with my cancer which is my fault and a long story but I will deal with it as I know how.

My advice is to begin your journey into who you are, if you are searching for cure, learn about all the aspects of yourself, because you need to know who you are in order to heal yourself. Learn about how the aspects of the mind work, google the super-conscious, the lower conscious, expand your mind and then change your belief. Find that unlimited power within; it is there , waiting to be directed. If you believe you will die, then you will; if you change that belief knowing that you have the power to get rid of the lower energy of cancer; you can do that as well.

In my other blogs I have written about energy and many other topics. You may be interested to know that what you see in the mirror is 99.9% empty space and what fills this empty space is energy, pure consciousness operating at the many levels of the psyche. When you know this and learn about it your life will change. Spirituality is love, love is energy, what we do with that energy can transform it; we do this as a matter of will, we can choose to be good, we can choose to be bad.

Our super-conscious does not operate from a sense of morality, it is pure love; it does not judge or condemn, it merely gives us what we want and what we focus on, so, if you focus on cancer, you will keep it alive. When we learn who we are, and not who we are conditioned to be, we find our spiritual essence and open the door to a knowing that can change our lives on this planet forever. It is your journey and your choice. Just remember that everything is vibrating energy, nothing physical is permanent, illness is energy, wellness is energy, we live in a field of energy, the universe in filled with energy and we can direct energy and do so with our minds. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed, we live in a field of potential that is more than ready to help us believe and be well.

Love and light