Sunday, 11 November 2012
I am sitting in my home 14 years after being diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an aggressive and incurable cancer. My prognosis of 3-5 years of life with continual treatment has been proven wrong. I have had no treatment for MM since the year 2000. Truth number one is; I cured my own cancer and when it returned in 2010 as a trace, I cured it again. This is an incontrovertible medical fact.
I have tried, in my Blogs, to explain how this is possible, maybe most people who are looking for some help do not believe they are capable of doing what I did. Why is this? I am sitting here on a sunny day in November 2012 wondering how I can awaken something inside the reader that will kick start your cure. Truth number 2 is quite simple, you are no different to me, I have nothing that you do not have.
Having said that there will be one major difference, my thinking will probably be different, my beliefs may be very different. These words from Shakespeare are so profound, " All the World's a stage and men and women are merely players." Playing, is what we do in this life and we have all the tools to play the game to make our lives so good, or so bad.
What I am trying to achieve here is to awaken in you, something that may be dormant, something within you that is your birthright, something that gives you the capability to change your life and erradicate your cancer. What you are is not limited to curing cancer; knowing can change your life. Not knowing who you are will keep you shackled to what you know to be you and the beliefs and conditioning that was absorbed by your mind and sub conscious so many years ago when you were young. This shackled mind will not help you with MM.
What do you need to know? First you are not just an individual human being, born to two parents living on the surface of a planet. Whilst this is true, there is a bigger picture....You are also a child of the Universe, the trees, the moon, the stars are all within you, if you see it, you are a part of it, never, never unimportant. What you do ripples out into the Universe as energy and comes back to us, make your life good because this is what we should achieve as players. Harmony creates harmony within. You might ask, as I did, why do bad people appear not to get cancer, this is an important consideration but is not for this blog, suffice to say that bad people who appear to live charmed lives do not escape the consequenses of what they do.
Your mind is only 10% conscious at any time, 90% of you is unconscious. Your mind is weak in the face of cancer. It is now known that there is a strong, mind-body connection and what we believe to be true affects everything that we believe ourselves to be. Not only are you a 'Child of the Universe' you are a part of the Universal Mind, this is an intelligence that fills the Universe and is in you and me, and everyone else. We call this intelligence God. This energy is consciousness, the invisible field of bio-electromagnetic energy that is who we are individually and collectively. Science and the Church will keep us powerless but when we awaken to who we are, live it, breathe it and know it, we open to the power of the Universe. When we hold that hugeness within as a belief, we become greater than the powerless individual we have been taught to be, giving away our power to Doctors who have failed miserably with MM. When you know of this connection MM loses its power over your mind body connection and what happened to me can happen to you.
In all human achievements, in everything we believe to be miracles, there is one thing that overrides everything. That is the power of belief. To be the best in anything needs belief. What you believe to be true overrides the 10% mind and the body connection to that belief moves to fulfil that belief. We do not need to know how this works, it just does. The mechanics work whether we understand it or not, but involves our connection to 'all that is' and 'all we are' (last paragraph) It cannot be any other way, Universal laws work for us and against us in all we do, all we believe and all we create as players in this World. A Placebo cannot cure illness, yet it does, why? Because someone we look up to (Doctor) has told us that "this pill will cure you" and there is a percentage of people that it does just that. They do not want to investigate this, I wonder why? Remember, in the Bible, it states, that Jesus when healing the sick, would say, "I did not heal you, your faith did."
Your Oncologist will tell you that MM is a terminal Cancer with no cure. How do you find anything but the thought of death in that. You have been fed fear, futility and death directly into your belief system and no matter how positive you are, you cannot budge that thought that you will eventually die. As you slide into the pain of the cancer and the treatment your belief will be reinforced until you reach the outcome that you have held so true. Because you believed that it cannot be cured.
To know that someone has done what is not supposed to happen should give hope where there is none. This is why I write my blog. I ask you to use the Internet, check up what I write, look at others who have beaten the odds. Look at people who write about personal power, energy healing, miracle healing, anything that will awaken that possibility within you.
Life is a journey, and is our one opportunity as Universal Intelligence to blend with the elements of this Earth and play the game of life. When MM hits you, the challenge is huge because it will take your life from what you believe to be you. You are so much more than what you believe, what you have been taught and what science and religion do not want you to know, gives you the power to succeed as I did. People are awakening all over the planet, MM will be a gift to you if it is responsible for awakening what is deep within you. Knowing and believing will was away the cancer and you will be like me, trying to teach others, trying to make a difference. If you read the sighposts your life will never seem the same again, once you make the connection, it is truly life changing.
I am David Thomson, I am The Geordie Healer.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
Multiple Myeloma is a terminal cancer, and if you have recently been diagnosed you will be told about this outcome by your Oncologist, you will be in fear and you will, no doubt, trawl the internet for information in the hope that you can find some information that will help you. Some of you will find my blog and all of you, who email me, will ask how to get started. Most of you will never have heard of MM, be in deep fear and will have already have implanted the idea deep in your unconscious mind that you are going to die. Medical treatment may buy you time. Certainly, it will reduce the cancer in your body, but medical treatment alone will not stop the express train that is MM.
I have covered many subjects on my blog, MULTIPLE MYELOMA - MY CURE has been read by many. I began my blog to give some hope to sufferers of MM by telling my experience and my cure of a cancer that statistically has no cure.
My thoughts and beliefs are different to mainstream consensus thinking. Simply put, wherever you are in this World, you will have been brought up to believe in ways of living, ways of thinking and of beliefs, which will probably become yours as well; most of which you get from your parents and caregivers, then your teachers, friends and family members. You learn quickly and all you have learned become beliefs, you learn limitations, disappointments, you suffer pain, you experience and write your personal software (your mind and your sub-conscious)) within them are everything you believe yourself to be. Throughout the World there are many cultures, many religions and many beliefs. We make wars over beliefs and over the centuries billions have died in fighting over differences in belief and human greed and separatedness.
You have MULTIPLE MYELOMA....your beliefs, your conditioning, your mind, your friends and your family cannot help you, this is your journey and you feel the real fear that this terrible cancer is going to be the end of you. If you are reading this in your search for something to help you, then read on.
FIRST. Who are you? Do you even know? Have you ever considered of anything beyond what you see, beyond what you think and beyond the life that you think of as you? Now is the time to learn what you are and what you are not. This is important because this is what I believe and I have cured my own MM when medical intervention failed. My ideas about life have been written into my own 'personal software' over many years, they are 'the rock' on which I view my life, written and believed without doubt. My experiences throughout my life including, 'out of body' travel, 'near death experience' visitations and so much more, have reinforced my learning and enabled me to know how to cure the incurable.
We are so much more than what we perceive ourselves to be. Who are we? Where did we come from? What is life and why are we here? Questions that most of us ask but push to one side because we have no information to answer them. I began asking when I was 6 years old, I have my answers now. I will begin with a scientific fact. You are 99.999999% empty space! Atoms, the building blocks of all we see are energetic particles surrounding a nucleus, always in a state of vibration and never still. In every cell of your body there is about 100 trillion atoms and there are at least 60 trillion cells to make up the person you see as you. You are about 80% water, the rest came out of the Earth and if you compressed all the empty spaces from the solid matter that is you, you would have to view the lump under a microscope because you would not be able to see it with your eyes. All the people on this Earth compressed into solid matter would be the size of a sugar lump. We are not made up of much solidity, so what are we? What makes us human, and what makes us who we are? I look at a dead body and a living body and ask, what makes one dead and one alive? What scientifically is missing from a dead body? The answer is energy, the aura that is present in a living body is a measurable electrical field, no such field exists in a dead body. Energy, as our science tells us can neither be created nor destroyed, so what is the energy that drives us, enables us to think, create and interact with the matter that came out of our Earth? Human consciousness, the ability to think and create puts us ahead of all life on this planet and the difference between us and all other life is that ability to create from our thoughts. We have an intelligence that other life does not have, we are not pre-programmed like plants and animals are, every species only does what every species does because that is what they are. The only animals that do different are those that interact with humans.
I used to wonder where the energy went when the body died, I now know that my consciousness, which is the real me, does not need a body to exist and it does continue to exist beyond what we call death, I know this because I have been there and experienced the joy of knowing that there is something so beautiful beyond our physical death.
We have a mind that is a culmination of all we have learned, our sense of self we call the Ego, we believe ourselves to be individual, and as humans we are but within us, our reality is different. Together we make up the human race, collectively we are part of the one energy that we have called God. There is no difference, each of us is a spark of possibility, this is our purpose, to create and be all we can be whilst hidden in a cloak of matter. Our way of living has been created in our minds and we spread across the Earth weaving our creative magic, believing everything we have done is for our good. There is a consequence to all that we do and modern life is damaging to our bodies, and when the body is no longer able to hold on to our energy consciousness it has to let go and as soon as it has let go and it begins to liquify to return to the earth. We are clever, but we have forgotten who we are.
There is no vengeful God, there is only energy, and that energy is always seeking balance; we are part of that energy. This Earth, our beautiful planet is our playground, This earth is also an energy gestalt seeking balance, wind, water, fire and earth are its tools. be all you can be, knowing this is truly a gift. Use the gift of creative thinking and the resources are there to build a world of joy or a world where our destruction is assured. Either way does not matter because the world will begin again as it has done so many times before. Time is unimportant, the universe is limitless, consciousness in its entirity is never diminished, it never gets bigger or smaller it remains in balance, in perpetuity.
What has this to do with healing Multiple Myeloma? Everything, and because you do not know who you are you cannot know the power of creativity that you hold in your innermost energy consciousness, just out of reach to the mind but accessible to the believer. What we know of as the mind is just the outer shell of who we believe we are, that part of us that has software written on our sub-conscious mind that forms the essence of what we are as human beings. Our habits, beliefs and responses are automatic, our fears are automatic and we know that when something serious like MM happens, we are powerless and sink into fear, take the medicine believing it will not help and believe we will eventually die. Oue belief will be realised.
Who are you really? You are not your thoughts, you are not your mind, you are not your body, you are not your five senses. You are indestructable energy with a small part of that energy playing the part of being you, this is real, but a temporary condition. That energy has no problem with cancer, cancer is just a bad energy, it is the body gone wrong, as in any illness. What we do is to believe in the cancer, believe in the outcome and believe we are going to die and more importantly, we believe we cannot do anything about it and the cancer becomes a runaway event that will take us to oblivion. does not have to be that way. Jesus said when he healed the sick, it was not me that healed you, it was your faith. If you know who you are, if you know who you are not, if you realise you are much more than the sum of your earthly parts you activate the power you hold within. The love that is you innermost being, love that is more powerful than anything you could ever know on this earth, the love that radiates from your heart centre will transform any cancer. Your mind stops this from happening because you mind believes your ego and your ego is always negative, this is why so many people die. Science has no answer to cancer despite the billions spent on research, but in my opinion science is wrong on so many things. I am not a great believer in certain drugs and medicines, as my blogs will tell you. I am a believer in life, we have everything we need to make life better, yet we continue with our old ways, developing new ways to kill each other. This is not how life was designed to be, life was not designed to be a struggle and we pay the price, cause and effect; our arrogance will be our downfall if we do not awaken to that spark of possibility. That heart felt loving inner core that resonates with each of your 7 billion brothers and sisters on this planet.
Know who you are, spread the word, be all you can be, this is the purpose of life, this is your salvation, and if you fail there is the promise of life eternal and a return to the formless world of possiblities where words are not known and living is of a different vista.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
THRIVE THE MOVIE.......A must see
Here is a film by Foster Gamble (of the Proctor and Gamble family) everyone should watch this. There are many credible sources that confirm the information within it. It is over 2 hours long and called THRIVE THE MOVIE
Once in a while I find information that is so relevant in todays world. We are all suffering because of the world wide problem caused by the banks and financial institutions that have made our lives a misery through no fault of our own, and there is so much more going on than the Banks. We are guided by those who lead us, we assume that guidance and those leaders have the general public's interests at their heart. Sadly, the truth is different. Power comes with responsibility, they usurp that responsibility.
I will always remember before the crash in 2008, the Brown Labour Government was telling us, there was no problem with money, finance was freely available, banks were falling over themselves to give out money. Mortgages were plentiful and many came with 110 to 120% of debt. Few people voiced warnings. Then the world crashed.
My own particular interest is in cancer, the research, the treatment and the cures that are known, but not accessible to the general public.
Another of what concerns me is a US Military run project called, HAARP..... (HIGH-FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL RESEARCH PROGRAMME) especially as I have found from various sources, a plan to limit the world population to 500 million people, this is a plan by incredibly wealthy and powerful people who wield power over Governments, regarding Food, Medicine and Energy, to name a small few. There are 7 Billion people on this Earth; you do the math. This weapon, and it has to be called a weapon, has the power to destroy this World and the people on it, it's that simple. Would they use it? I believe they already have.
This world and its people need to be healed, we need to know what a small number of people are doing in their own interests; people who see power and profit above human life. The sad thing is that anyone who highlights the hidden agendas become ridiculed as conspiracy theorists. You will find in every Internet search, those who cast doubt and ridicule. Those people, who in my opinion are paid to do that very task; to heap contempt and rubbish everyone and everything that is not mainstream, science or wisdom. In my own field of interest, cancer, I have uncovered the appalling lengths the pharmaceuticals will go to to suppress known cancer cures, in order to pedal their hugely profitable drug treatments that are largely ineffective. People die, and to me, that is an offence against humanity, and we let them geat away with it.
Everything is connected. I have learned this, and this film 'THRIVE,' connects the dots, watch it and be critical, look up the information and learn for yourself. There is an old adage, bad people flourish because good people do nothing. Pass the film on to everyone you know, the more that people know, the more we can do about it.
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