Sunday, 15 May 2011


What we see and touch we can believe in. This is because our minds are tuned into this third dimensional world. Our human journey from birth to death is our journey clothed in physical matter, projected into linear time. Neither has any relevance beyond our physical death.
What travels with us is the invisible aspect that is the source of you, that holds the answers to the questions we have all pondered. Who are we and where did we come from? I write about this in my poetry. Here is one for you to think about.


Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love

And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply, is
It always was
It will ever be

We should ever remember
As we journey through this life
When we sever the connection
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home

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