Friday, 23 September 2011


It is my belief, and if you want to correct me, please do.
Do Governments care for the people, or are they more interested in money, power, and fiscal growth.
The answer is fairly obvious and it is not you Do major food manufacturers consider the quality of their food over profit?
Do the multi billion profit pharmaceutical industries really consider the wellbeing of the general public when they are selling drugs, when many of them have so many side effects that they are responsible for thousands of deaths every year? The answer again is no. I accept that many medicines are necessary and highly effective, but do they really put our wellbeing over profit? Did anyone ever die of chemotherapy poisoning? Of course not, they all died of cancer.
Do they ignore promising cancer treatments and try to ban natural herbs/ medicines because they are trying to protect us.
We can all make a difference if we become aware and start asking questions, there is so much we are not supposed to know, or ask about. We can change the world if we become passionate for life; together we can make that difference.

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