Thursday, 20 October 2011


I keep banging on about cancer cures that are ignored. The reason they are ignored by pharmaceuticals is because they cannot make profit from them. Many of them are on my blog. When you have cancer you naturally want the best treatment, unfortunately, for most, the best treatment has changed little over the years, cut, poison and burn. This is all Oncologists know, and I would hazard a guess that they have little confidence in what they do.
I am indebted to Fi who has sent me a video about cannabis ( Hemp oil with THC) I have posted another called 'RUN FROM THE CURE' elsewhere on my blog and this has elements of that.
The cost of pharmaceutical cancer treatment nets them millions in profit, yet is largely ineffective and cancer cures in the UK are shockingly low.
Watch the video, and if I had cancer, I know what I would do. UPDATE Nov 2011 Dr Mercola is considered a rebel, but few people are as informed as he is about bmedical matters and if you are looking at Medical Marijuana, here is some important information. Mercola When the evidence for a compound that would be considered a miracle cure if it were discovered by cancer research is ignored and kept away from the very people that have died for the want of a cure, and others who and crying out for help with their cancers. We have to look at the people who are doing it and their vested interests for doing so. I name Governments and Pharmaceuticals. We, the people, have a greater voice. Consider the billions spent in looking for a cancer drug cure, when a natural, non harming, compound is available that works and has been proven to work. It seems they want our money but they care nothing for our lives. Medical Marijuana, we want it, they won't let us have it.

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