Sunday 7 September 2008


God; the central figure in religion and is a subject that should be the centre of our scrutiny, but given that the views taught by any institutionalised system of belief and the intransigence of their doctrine; criticism or change of those rigid ideas will never be accepted.

Of course we are free to discuss and our free will gives us our individual ideas about what we accept and what we feel we cannot. Within human society we have those who hold withering views on any form of religion, atheists abound, clever talkers who condemn anything religious. Then we have the pro religion and much in-between. As in most things, humans just cannot agree.

When I was a child I was taught about God but did not understand how a God could be so loving but so angry, that at times he broke his own rules. God also told us to love our enemies and forgive others of wrong doing against us, but then burns his enemies in the fires of hell.. sometimes forever. Something was sadly wrong here in my mind. Now, a lifetime later I understand.

Do I believe in GOD..That is a firm yes. But, the God of religion means nothing to me, never has and never will. The God of love can never go against his own principles if he is to have any credibility. The walls of religion must fall at this point. God is central to me and all life on this planet.

Here is what I believe and may give you something you never considered before, just remember that religion is a man made concept. Man made God; but surely, it was the other way round.

God is logical as pure consciousness; that consciousness is in balance, it is intensely creative, the purest energy of love playing games in our universe (How else would God fill its time within eternity,) there is nothing more.

God has no form and we were not made in his image.

God is neither he or she and has no human senses, no human vices and loves us all unconditionally. God learns from us, knows of our hate , anger, jealousy and greed which are all created by our own consciousness out of the energy of love. In our third dimension we use our energies in a way that God does not. If it could we would have chaos outside our world.

The consciousness we call God is of unimaginable size and power and in each of us we have a small portion of that power. We call it the human spirit, energy we cannot see but can measure. That makes us all part of God, we are God and have power to choose whilst we live separated from our source, (the invisible dimension of spirit consciousness) in the physical dimension. We have the power to create and also the power to destroy, we choose to do both, we disagree, we kill and exhibit all the things we can be when we are 'living in the box' ( This world is our box; our spirit enters physical form from elements within the box.) When we leave we take nothing away apart from our experiences, from which God learns.

We are joined to each other and to God by consciousness, this is all there is, what we make of it is our decision, our man made separation is our choice, what we do is our choice confined within the box of living we call our world and what we do will only harm our physical bodies, our spirit cannot be harmed.

Who are we? it is quite simple.. we are God.

There are many roads up the mountain many paths of belief and mystery, there is no evil other than what we create out of love and all roads will take us to the same place, some quicker than others, but we all arrive at the same destination. God has eternity to play; The circle of life is never ending, we have a lifetime to realise who we are. We may destroy ourselves at some point but we have the power to start it all again.

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