Cancer, that dreaded word, will take many of us to the 'edge of the cliff.'
We carry judgements, limitations, disharmony, grievences and so much more, in a negative sense. These are presumptions based on personal experience in our lives which lodge in our sub-conscious, some will lift us into a happy state during a rememberence of a special moment, but many will drive us into a deep feeling of pain and loss. It is this deep feeling that carries an energetic charge that can emerge as a physical condition. Although there are many causes of illness and cancer there is one thing that we cannot afford to cling to. The energetic charge of hurt and resentment and anything we carry that challenges us negatively as humans.
I was reminded the other day of the story of the male duck that meets another male duck and immediately fights with much vigour, flapping of wings and loud quacking. Eventually they part and with a final flap of their wings and a shake of the head, they swim away and.....FORGET. They just get on with their duck life but do not carry the conflict any further in their memories.
Not so the human mind, we categorise and file the bad memories into a sub-conscious place called pain, and carry it all our lives. It is our nature to do this and it can hurt us severely.
When cancer strikes, we need to lift our energy, not drag it deep into the sub-conscious place of fear and pain. This is where most people lose the fight and is the reason for my first statement. We are not just a jumble of cells, a body and a mind. We are so much more; our consciousness, the energy of who we are, our spiritual charge, is given the creative capacity to choose, to be creative, to be all we can be, and to discover who we are beyond what we see. Just look what the human mind has achieved in this world; everything began with a thought.
When we are taken to the edge of a precipice, we are faced with a choice. It is not a time to fall over the edge in fear and futility, but to raise our energy, connect with our higher intelligence (soul) and kill the beast that is growing inside of us before it kills us. We all have the creative energy to do this at our deepest level of heart, not head. Teachers of the spiritual tell us we are all one, we are part of the God-consciousness, children of the universe and powerful beyond belief, we all sing the same song, many of us have been challenged and have prevailed to be able to tell others, who they really are. Spiritual knowing and our message has never changed, science is forever playing 'catch up,' and medical knowing just does not understand what we are beyond the human cell.
In reality our energy consciousness is eternal and will fly free when our bodies are no longer able to hold its energy field, we return to the dimension we began the journey towards the earth experience, back into 'oneness.' Whilst in the human body its energy can be raised or lowered by our thinking, this is our creative mindset that we have little knowing of how to control, because we are unaware of our inbuilt powers to do so. Our task, to find out and apply our spiritually creative intelligence, the essence of who we really are, to our earth living, to assist in making our own and every other life we touch, simply... better. Even if we fail in this task in this world of form, we have stiill had the experience at this physical level, to take home. All experience is valid; we can make it a beautiful one if we recognise the truth and power of who we really are. Cancer is nothing to the human spirit, but is everything to the mindset that keeps it growing inside.
Sunday, 30 January 2011
I am David, survivor of Multiple Myeloma, a terminal cancer with no hope and no medical cure.
Faith and true knowing is not something we find easily because we can be so negative in our thinking. We are taught to worship God in the form of what culture we were born to in the world. We generally take on the beliefs of our parents and caregivers who teach us the 'art of living'. This does not help us when we are facing our demise because of terminal illness. Our thoughts bounce around fear and futility and whilst we may feel positive and outwardly strong, deep down we are shaking with fear.
Where is our God when we are alone, in pain, or in bed at 3am in the morning facing death by illness and cancer. Believe me, early morning is a very 'alone' time when we feel helpless. Everyone is asleep and we are alone with our negative thinking, tossing and turning, fearing the worst. We pray but find little hope in that. Where is the power of prayer if we don't really believe what we are doing. Prayer is really powerful if it comes from the heart.
I have learned that we are never alone; I have my own proof that God never existed outside of us and that it is simply the awesome consciousness to which we are all connected and an eternal part of who we are. The power of that connection to affect all aspects of our lives is open to us all, yet few touch this connection. Those who awaken to its possibility find that belief and knowing.
Faith and true knowing is not something we find easily because we can be so negative in our thinking. We are taught to worship God in the form of what culture we were born to in the world. We generally take on the beliefs of our parents and caregivers who teach us the 'art of living'. This does not help us when we are facing our demise because of terminal illness. Our thoughts bounce around fear and futility and whilst we may feel positive and outwardly strong, deep down we are shaking with fear.
Where is our God when we are alone, in pain, or in bed at 3am in the morning facing death by illness and cancer. Believe me, early morning is a very 'alone' time when we feel helpless. Everyone is asleep and we are alone with our negative thinking, tossing and turning, fearing the worst. We pray but find little hope in that. Where is the power of prayer if we don't really believe what we are doing. Prayer is really powerful if it comes from the heart.
I have learned that we are never alone; I have my own proof that God never existed outside of us and that it is simply the awesome consciousness to which we are all connected and an eternal part of who we are. The power of that connection to affect all aspects of our lives is open to us all, yet few touch this connection. Those who awaken to its possibility find that belief and knowing.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
We are all on a journey, this journey through life is real. There are those who believe that we live in a holographic universe, born out of conscious thought. Yes, I believe this to be valid, science knows that there is an energy it cannot explain with its scientific theories, science knows that what we perceive is not solid, but flowing, vibrating energy with so little physical matter. Science also knows that atoms can disappear and reappear somewhere else and that observation of certain phenomena (as in the 'Double slit experiment)negates the phenomenon until the observation ceases. It knows of the connection between cells and the reaction between them is instant, no matter how far apart they are, stimulus to cells from a body 100 miles apart happen simultaneously. Our journey through life was chosen individually and is lived individually
When I am Healing or reading Earth Energies from a distance, I am connected to the matrix that connects all things and like the telephone line I can connect to anyone, anywhere in the world. This cannot be explained and will never be explained by science, it is simply not for testing. We are not meant to prove that it works, only to know that it does.
My point is; the invisible world of consiousness, the unity to which we all belong, the God force that is the basis of all life, is not for science to discover. Simply because we are all on a journey of discovery in our life from birth to death. Our time within the physical is a time where we choose, we can live as most do fully involved in the mind, our human living and five senses.
Beneath that journey there is a part of us that is not born to this world, that exists within the formless dimension of the God consciousness. It is the larger part of who we are without the limits of the human mind, it travels with us on our journey through life, it is pure love and of supreme intelligence. We rarely touch this energy, but when we do, we are changed forever.
We have personal responsibility for what we do, we live our lives touching the lives of others as we integrate into the human collective and form our own relationships, opinions, and beliefs of who we think we are. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, they are all valid human journeys. In truth we are so much more than we believe with access to our beautiful and timeless inner self, jorneying silently with us through the human game. When we fall it is always there waiting for recognition, longing to help but unable to do so until we learn of its presence and when we do, our journey through life takes a different meaning.
One day we will know about connectedness, one day we will tear down the barriers of belief and human separation, we stand at the beginning of this process, all is as it should be. Learning takes time.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we lose our human focus
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
David Thomson.
When I am Healing or reading Earth Energies from a distance, I am connected to the matrix that connects all things and like the telephone line I can connect to anyone, anywhere in the world. This cannot be explained and will never be explained by science, it is simply not for testing. We are not meant to prove that it works, only to know that it does.
My point is; the invisible world of consiousness, the unity to which we all belong, the God force that is the basis of all life, is not for science to discover. Simply because we are all on a journey of discovery in our life from birth to death. Our time within the physical is a time where we choose, we can live as most do fully involved in the mind, our human living and five senses.
Beneath that journey there is a part of us that is not born to this world, that exists within the formless dimension of the God consciousness. It is the larger part of who we are without the limits of the human mind, it travels with us on our journey through life, it is pure love and of supreme intelligence. We rarely touch this energy, but when we do, we are changed forever.
We have personal responsibility for what we do, we live our lives touching the lives of others as we integrate into the human collective and form our own relationships, opinions, and beliefs of who we think we are. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, they are all valid human journeys. In truth we are so much more than we believe with access to our beautiful and timeless inner self, jorneying silently with us through the human game. When we fall it is always there waiting for recognition, longing to help but unable to do so until we learn of its presence and when we do, our journey through life takes a different meaning.
One day we will know about connectedness, one day we will tear down the barriers of belief and human separation, we stand at the beginning of this process, all is as it should be. Learning takes time.
Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love
And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply is
It always was
It will ever be
We should ever remember
As we lose our human focus
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home
David Thomson.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Many people who are seriously ill and who are facing their demise will become receptive to alternative forms of medicine. There are many who have embraced alternative therapies who have responded remarkably, and others who have had what we would call 'Miracle Cures.' There are no miracles although we can achieve the 'so called' impossible, and this will be dismissed as 'One of those things,' by medicine and science because they will not engage with the seemingly impossible. What is going on here? I will attempt to answer this.
Energy Healing is valid because energy is what we are, everything in the universe is vibrating energy and nothing is static. A simple rock is vibrating at a rate we cannot see, our bodies are not solid, they are 99.99999% empty space. It is our perception that makes us believe that the physical world is all we have and all we are is as seen reflected in a mirror. Illness is just energy gone wrong and this bad energy has impacted on our cellular structure. The energy that we are is designed to be perfect(there are exceptions to this but is not for this topic because it involves choices we make before we are born.) What we do to ourselves with the energy we take in as food, liquid,the environment we live in, and more importantly, the energy of our thoughts has made us sicker than we were designed to be. Cancer in 100 years has increased from 1 in 33 to 1 in 3 and there are many reasons why. I believe stress, Geopathic energy, Electromagnetic energy and Microwave eneries, to be a major cause of cancer and I have an article on my site about it.
So, when we have cancer we have this low energy inside us, (I like to see it as dark energy, it helps me focus on it.) It is a vibrating energy that will spread till it kills if it is not stopped. Energy healing directed by our meditative state, (not the mind) being present in the moment, not in the past or projecting into the future, healing happens in the 'now moment' when the mind is stilled and we achieve a private moment with ourselves. No-one can do this for us, we have to achieve it by ourselves. There are many meditations that can help in this respect and the internet has them available, so you can find what works for you.
BELIEFS. This can be the source of all our problems, especially when we have serious cancer. Even the word, cancer, conjours up fear and belief that we are going to die. This is a creative mode of thinking that will give you that outcome, if vou believe it.
What is a belief; beliefs are personal, at birth we have none, we learn by experience and build our beliefs into a thought form. We learn that there are things we can do and many things we cannot, society has an inbuilt system of living that we are taught from and early age. We are, simply, a product of what we think we can do and what we think we cannot, we create our own limitations. We are conditioned in ways dependant on where we are born and the culture we are born to, to believe what we are, how we should think, and what we should believe. If you believe cancer will kill you,(and most do regardless of how positive they are) if you believe, or fear, that cancer, once in remission will return, then your creative belief will make it happen. Our creativity coupled with our beliefs are so powerful.
PLACEBO. This is brilliant, something that often works when it should not. The source of many drug trial failures and an effect that most pharmaceuticals fear and dismiss again as 'one of those things.' Placebo works quite simply with the belief projected into our minds that, it can. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. When the man in the white coat, (you probably look up to this man as a professional who knows much better than you, and importantly, you trust him because you have been conditioned to do that) tells you that 'this pill will cure you.' why does it often work? Why does a sugar pill that has no healing properties cure someone or have a dramatic effect on illness? Because you believe it; and this belief has been reinforced by the man in the white coat. Again, we came back to belief, the creative belief that the mind pushes into the sub-consious to engage with our creative genius.
A placebo is a deception, it deceives the mind to create an outcome and it often works, it is little understood because science and medicine do not understand this creative process. They do not understand what we are, beyond the chemical and physical body that they see. The creative consciousness that is the source of all life is something that science cannot acknowledge, although they know that something exists, it is beyond scientific theory. Physics cannot explain.
Spirituality and creative consciousness, the energy of life that existed before you were born and will exist after you body has lost its ability to hold your energy in its physical matrix, is life, it is part of what we call God consciousness. There is no separation between this consciousness and six and a half billion people on this earth, other than the separation we impose on ourselves, God is not and never was external to us, and we are not powerless when we get cancer, we only believe we are.
Our technology has brought the seeds of human transformation, and this is now well established and growing. The internet gives us information at the touch of a button. It has allowed me to say that I have beaten the incurable cancer called Multiple Myeloma, otherwise you would never know, and how did I do this, because I know how I can. I will help you too.
You can do this too, I have no special powers, I am not special at all, but I know who I am and what I am not. Internet has given what has been repressed by the church and ignored by science, truth that has never changed in thousands of years, a truth that will eventually transform our thinking and give us the answers to the age old question of 'Who are we.'
Energy Healing is valid because energy is what we are, everything in the universe is vibrating energy and nothing is static. A simple rock is vibrating at a rate we cannot see, our bodies are not solid, they are 99.99999% empty space. It is our perception that makes us believe that the physical world is all we have and all we are is as seen reflected in a mirror. Illness is just energy gone wrong and this bad energy has impacted on our cellular structure. The energy that we are is designed to be perfect(there are exceptions to this but is not for this topic because it involves choices we make before we are born.) What we do to ourselves with the energy we take in as food, liquid,the environment we live in, and more importantly, the energy of our thoughts has made us sicker than we were designed to be. Cancer in 100 years has increased from 1 in 33 to 1 in 3 and there are many reasons why. I believe stress, Geopathic energy, Electromagnetic energy and Microwave eneries, to be a major cause of cancer and I have an article on my site about it.
So, when we have cancer we have this low energy inside us, (I like to see it as dark energy, it helps me focus on it.) It is a vibrating energy that will spread till it kills if it is not stopped. Energy healing directed by our meditative state, (not the mind) being present in the moment, not in the past or projecting into the future, healing happens in the 'now moment' when the mind is stilled and we achieve a private moment with ourselves. No-one can do this for us, we have to achieve it by ourselves. There are many meditations that can help in this respect and the internet has them available, so you can find what works for you.
BELIEFS. This can be the source of all our problems, especially when we have serious cancer. Even the word, cancer, conjours up fear and belief that we are going to die. This is a creative mode of thinking that will give you that outcome, if vou believe it.
What is a belief; beliefs are personal, at birth we have none, we learn by experience and build our beliefs into a thought form. We learn that there are things we can do and many things we cannot, society has an inbuilt system of living that we are taught from and early age. We are, simply, a product of what we think we can do and what we think we cannot, we create our own limitations. We are conditioned in ways dependant on where we are born and the culture we are born to, to believe what we are, how we should think, and what we should believe. If you believe cancer will kill you,(and most do regardless of how positive they are) if you believe, or fear, that cancer, once in remission will return, then your creative belief will make it happen. Our creativity coupled with our beliefs are so powerful.
PLACEBO. This is brilliant, something that often works when it should not. The source of many drug trial failures and an effect that most pharmaceuticals fear and dismiss again as 'one of those things.' Placebo works quite simply with the belief projected into our minds that, it can. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. When the man in the white coat, (you probably look up to this man as a professional who knows much better than you, and importantly, you trust him because you have been conditioned to do that) tells you that 'this pill will cure you.' why does it often work? Why does a sugar pill that has no healing properties cure someone or have a dramatic effect on illness? Because you believe it; and this belief has been reinforced by the man in the white coat. Again, we came back to belief, the creative belief that the mind pushes into the sub-consious to engage with our creative genius.
A placebo is a deception, it deceives the mind to create an outcome and it often works, it is little understood because science and medicine do not understand this creative process. They do not understand what we are, beyond the chemical and physical body that they see. The creative consciousness that is the source of all life is something that science cannot acknowledge, although they know that something exists, it is beyond scientific theory. Physics cannot explain.
Spirituality and creative consciousness, the energy of life that existed before you were born and will exist after you body has lost its ability to hold your energy in its physical matrix, is life, it is part of what we call God consciousness. There is no separation between this consciousness and six and a half billion people on this earth, other than the separation we impose on ourselves, God is not and never was external to us, and we are not powerless when we get cancer, we only believe we are.
Our technology has brought the seeds of human transformation, and this is now well established and growing. The internet gives us information at the touch of a button. It has allowed me to say that I have beaten the incurable cancer called Multiple Myeloma, otherwise you would never know, and how did I do this, because I know how I can. I will help you too.
You can do this too, I have no special powers, I am not special at all, but I know who I am and what I am not. Internet has given what has been repressed by the church and ignored by science, truth that has never changed in thousands of years, a truth that will eventually transform our thinking and give us the answers to the age old question of 'Who are we.'
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