Sunday 23 January 2011


We are all on a journey, this journey through life is real. There are those who believe that we live in a holographic universe, born out of conscious thought. Yes, I believe this to be valid, science knows that there is an energy it cannot explain with its scientific theories, science knows that what we perceive is not solid, but flowing, vibrating energy with so little physical matter. Science also knows that atoms can disappear and reappear somewhere else and that observation of certain phenomena (as in the 'Double slit experiment)negates the phenomenon until the observation ceases. It knows of the connection between cells and the reaction between them is instant, no matter how far apart they are, stimulus to cells from a body 100 miles apart happen simultaneously. Our journey through life was chosen individually and is lived individually

When I am Healing or reading Earth Energies from a distance, I am connected to the matrix that connects all things and like the telephone line I can connect to anyone, anywhere in the world. This cannot be explained and will never be explained by science, it is simply not for testing. We are not meant to prove that it works, only to know that it does.

My point is; the invisible world of consiousness, the unity to which we all belong, the God force that is the basis of all life, is not for science to discover. Simply because we are all on a journey of discovery in our life from birth to death. Our time within the physical is a time where we choose, we can live as most do fully involved in the mind, our human living and five senses.

Beneath that journey there is a part of us that is not born to this world, that exists within the formless dimension of the God consciousness. It is the larger part of who we are without the limits of the human mind, it travels with us on our journey through life, it is pure love and of supreme intelligence. We rarely touch this energy, but when we do, we are changed forever.

We have personal responsibility for what we do, we live our lives touching the lives of others as we integrate into the human collective and form our own relationships, opinions, and beliefs of who we think we are. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, they are all valid human journeys. In truth we are so much more than we believe with access to our beautiful and timeless inner self, jorneying silently with us through the human game. When we fall it is always there waiting for recognition, longing to help but unable to do so until we learn of its presence and when we do, our journey through life takes a different meaning.

One day we will know about connectedness, one day we will tear down the barriers of belief and human separation, we stand at the beginning of this process, all is as it should be. Learning takes time.


Only on stillness
In quietness of mind
I sense it
It calls to me
From a place
My mind cannot enter
It cannot be seen
It can only be felt
The eternal presence
Of divine love
Patiently waiting
And behind each sacred life
It is the knowing
Our multi-dimensional perfection
Of unity and love

And beneath all the anguish
Our perception of separation
All our mind games
Endless thought and doing
Our treadmill of life
One thing is sure
It eternally exists
It simply is
It always was
It will ever be

We should ever remember
As we lose our human focus
With who we think we are
It will be silently waiting
Ageless and timeless
To welcome us home

David Thomson.

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