Wednesday, 3 December 2008


I am always open to a story that has a message that opens the heart and makes me think about what it is to be a better person. Here is one I really like; it is a very old story.

A man was given the chance to visit Heaven and Hell during the time he was still alive. He chose to visit Hell first and came across a great gathering of people. These people were all seated at a great table and on this table was a feast of all manner of rich and abundant food. These people were starving, weeping and wailing for a taste of the food before them. On closer inspection the man could see that each of them had forks and spoons attached to their hands but they were so long that they could not lift the food to their mouths.
On seeing this miserable sight the man visited Heaven; there too he saw the same sight but the difference was that they were all happy, smiling and extremely well fed. They too had forks and spoons so long that they could not feed themselves and he noted that they did not even try to do so.

When we give up the self-interest that predominates in this world when we learn to participate in the more natural give and take we become better people. When we give we receive; a simple idea for a better world.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Here is a thought.

We tend to think that our bodies have considerable substance, we identify with our bodies, our senses tell us that we are fairly solid because that is what we seem to be. We have weight and mass but....if the entire population of our planet were to be compressed into a single mass. By that I mean, if all the empty space between all the atoms and molecules that make up the 6.5 billion people was removed and the actual physical matter of those particles made into a cube. The size of that cube would be the size of a sugar lump.. Imagine that.

Think about an atom, an atom is one of the building blocks of physical matter. Each atom has a central nucleus and orbiting electrons that circle the nucleus. If the nucleus was the size of your thumb nail, the orbiting electrons would be circling a quarter of a mile away and between the electrons and the nucleus would be ....empty space.

There are about 100 trillion atoms in a single human cell and there are about 60 to 100 trillion cells in a human body. The human body is almost all empty space.

When a sun goes into super-nova, exploding and then contracts in on itself because of gravity. The result is that all the space is removed from the physical particles as they are compressed by huge forces of gravity till they become black spheres of solid matter without spaces. They are called black dwarfs or a neutron stars. A sugar lump size of a neutron star would weigh 100 million tons. Interesting eh.

However, all my personal experiences tell me that we are not just a body, we are not just a mind, we are so much more; we are the pure consciousness that inhabits all spaces within atoms, molecules and cells of our bodies, the energy of life that is indestructable and eternal. Life that flows into our bodies to give it movement and thought, and then flows out again when we die, back to where it came from. Our minds are an aspect of consciousness and our body is a result of that consciousness, but because we usually fully identify with our minds and bodies we lose the power we have as pure consciousness. We become ill and we fear it, we fear loss, we fear change and we fear death. What we are has no fear and when we change our focus we lose the fear, we take contol of our lives, our futures and our illnesses, including cancer...our power returns to us.

Next time you become ill, remember that your spirit holds the power, your body must obey.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


We all need a shot in the arm sometimes and I post one of my favourite inspirational quotes, reputed to have been written by a German called - GOETHE.

Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation) there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in ones favour all manner of unforseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.
Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

We rarely know what we can achieve until we try, our minds will tell us do not change, do not take risks, but the mind is usually so wrong and is scared of what we could be capable of.

Sunday, 21 September 2008


Have you ever gone into a building where you feel uncomfortable, or wanted to get out of a house or area that instinctively feels not right and were you happy when you got out but did not know why? Something you could not see, but felt deep inside was telling you something.
Is there a history where you live, of tiredness, illness and/or emotional upset; then you may be experiencing effects that go hand in hand with 'Geopathic Stress.'

Geopathic Stress (GS) or harmful earth rays, is natural radiation that rises from the earth; this radiation can be distorted by electromagnetic fields caused by mineral concentrations, underground running water, underground cavities and fissures. Distorted radiation is harmful to human beings and other living organisms. However there are some species that love GS areas and thrive on its radiation; cats, ants, wasps, beetles and microbes that spoil food are just a few, some plants will grow and some will not.

For us, invisible GS streams lower our immune systems which inhibits our ability to fight off bacteria and viruses. While sleeping in a GS place, the body has to use all of its energy just to keep vital organs functioning and instead of restful cell building sleep, we wake up tired and irritable. GS can be responsible for depression, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, allergies, nervousness and even divorce. Often we live with the negative effects of GS for so long that we consider it normal to feel bad, medicine has little effect because our bodies are working hard just keeping going.

GS is present in people who are depressed, angry, divorcing and those who are suicidal. Cot death can be attributed to GS in many cases and children simply do not thrive in GS areas, hyperactivity, allergic reactions, bed wetting and learning difficulties are just some of its effects on our children who are less able to cope with the harmful energies of GS.

There is another energy that we are all bombarded with on a daily basis and this we call ELECTROMAGNETIC SMOG/STRESS (EMS.) This energy is man made and again it is invisible but the effects are just as bad and if it is combined with GS then we have a recipe for disaster. EMS is caused by electric power lines, appliances, wiring installations and covers an electromagnetic spectrum that involves vibrational frequencies we know as radar, radio and TV signals, microwave ovens, computers and radiation from mobile phones.

The human body has an energy that is similar to the earth radiation, we are electromagnetic bio-chemical walking miracles. We have polarity just like the earth, a north and a south, just like a battery with our negative pole connected to the earth and the positive pole energy coming downwards from the cosmos. Many are disconnected by GS and EMS so the energy have cannot reach our cells which means that toxins and cells would not be eliminated and new cells would be negatively affected. We have a clockwise polarity in our blood and GS reverses this polarity making illness resistant to medicine and healing, and importantly; many cancer sufferers exhibit this reversed charge. We are 'tuned in' to low level electromagnetic changes, some are more sensitive than others, there are many causes of illness, there is an argument that living under a pylon can cause children to get Leukemia and one of my family members suffered from this. I believe that GS may well be a contributory factor in many cancer cases.

So, what do you do. Firstly, investigate and learn about GS, the web is a good place to start. If you think GS may be in your home, it can be corrected. I am a 'Geomancer;' that is because I am sensitive to earth energies, and after working with several people who were GS, EMS both in their homes and in their own bodies, the difference before and after clearing were amazing. But, there are many dowsers and geomancers advertising their services, some will visit you and some do not. I work remotely, as a healer and and earth energy healer, the science may be controversial but the effects of clearing can be dramatic, especially if you are used to being ill.

Saturday, 13 September 2008


"We are one global family
All colors, All races
One world united.
We dance for peace and the healing of our planet
EarthPeace for all nations.
Peace for our communities.
And peace within ourselves.
As we join all dance floors across the world,let us connect heart to heart.
Through our diversity we recognize Unity.
Through our compassion we recognize Peace.
Our love is the power to transform our world
Let us send it out NOW..."

Thursday, 11 September 2008


I am a healer, I do not claim to have magical powers to heal but I have learned to attune to a power that can produce a result. The result on me, with my terminal cancer, could be called a miracle, but then, I do not believe in miracles, I believe in the power of the human spirit which is a part of a complete circle of life we call God.

I try to encourage people to activate their own healing powers which are inherent in everyone. To do this you have to open your heart and your mind, putting all thoughts of negativity and fear on hold, this enables the power of the spirit to come direct to you.

The ancient healers and shamans had no pharmaceutical drugs and no operating procedures, they used the power of the spirit and remedies that grew in Mother Earth, we have forgotten how powerful this can be.

If we learned to eat correctly, be kind to ourselves and each other and control our emotions we would be so much healthier and so much happier. Nirvana, maybe, but just look at rising cancer and illness as we overload our finely tuned bodily systems then hurt them again with drugs. Of course I believe there is a place for drugs and operating procedures, just as there is a place for the spiritual alternative which removes the cause instead of just treating the effects and hoping for the best.


The great tragedy of our living is not that we perish, but that we cease to love.

Sunday, 7 September 2008


God; the central figure in religion and is a subject that should be the centre of our scrutiny, but given that the views taught by any institutionalised system of belief and the intransigence of their doctrine; criticism or change of those rigid ideas will never be accepted.

Of course we are free to discuss and our free will gives us our individual ideas about what we accept and what we feel we cannot. Within human society we have those who hold withering views on any form of religion, atheists abound, clever talkers who condemn anything religious. Then we have the pro religion and much in-between. As in most things, humans just cannot agree.

When I was a child I was taught about God but did not understand how a God could be so loving but so angry, that at times he broke his own rules. God also told us to love our enemies and forgive others of wrong doing against us, but then burns his enemies in the fires of hell.. sometimes forever. Something was sadly wrong here in my mind. Now, a lifetime later I understand.

Do I believe in GOD..That is a firm yes. But, the God of religion means nothing to me, never has and never will. The God of love can never go against his own principles if he is to have any credibility. The walls of religion must fall at this point. God is central to me and all life on this planet.

Here is what I believe and may give you something you never considered before, just remember that religion is a man made concept. Man made God; but surely, it was the other way round.

God is logical as pure consciousness; that consciousness is in balance, it is intensely creative, the purest energy of love playing games in our universe (How else would God fill its time within eternity,) there is nothing more.

God has no form and we were not made in his image.

God is neither he or she and has no human senses, no human vices and loves us all unconditionally. God learns from us, knows of our hate , anger, jealousy and greed which are all created by our own consciousness out of the energy of love. In our third dimension we use our energies in a way that God does not. If it could we would have chaos outside our world.

The consciousness we call God is of unimaginable size and power and in each of us we have a small portion of that power. We call it the human spirit, energy we cannot see but can measure. That makes us all part of God, we are God and have power to choose whilst we live separated from our source, (the invisible dimension of spirit consciousness) in the physical dimension. We have the power to create and also the power to destroy, we choose to do both, we disagree, we kill and exhibit all the things we can be when we are 'living in the box' ( This world is our box; our spirit enters physical form from elements within the box.) When we leave we take nothing away apart from our experiences, from which God learns.

We are joined to each other and to God by consciousness, this is all there is, what we make of it is our decision, our man made separation is our choice, what we do is our choice confined within the box of living we call our world and what we do will only harm our physical bodies, our spirit cannot be harmed.

Who are we? it is quite simple.. we are God.

There are many roads up the mountain many paths of belief and mystery, there is no evil other than what we create out of love and all roads will take us to the same place, some quicker than others, but we all arrive at the same destination. God has eternity to play; The circle of life is never ending, we have a lifetime to realise who we are. We may destroy ourselves at some point but we have the power to start it all again.

Thursday, 28 August 2008


The end of the 20th century marked the beginning of a new paradigm in human history, the age of Aquarius. We are now beginning to question the old paradigm where we have identified totally with our minds and have developed group polarities of religion, culture and even politics. Our beautiful world buckles under the strain of our collective endeavours, these changes have brought about much human misery and have necessitated severe re-balancing efforts from our own 'Mother Nature,' this is seen in storms, earthquakes and weather extremes around the globe. Nature has an automatic response mechanism and we are powerless when the elements, earth, wind, fire and water begin planetary healing.

Aquarius is the age of man, or better still the age of people. A time where we begin to understand our individual and collective responsibilities of every aspect of our lives and our interactions with others. This is a time where we have begun to mature as human beings with a growing awareness of who we are spiritually. You might ask what this has to do with energy medicine and I will explain.

Everything we see has a structure and every structure whether it is a rock or a human being is made up of atoms and molecules; they are the building blocks of matter. A rock, seemingly unmoving is really a seething mass of movement, vibration we cannot perceive but it is happening 24/7. Every atom is charged with energy, and to give some perspective on this, there are about 60 trillion cells in the human body and in each cell there are 100 trillion atoms. Each atom has orbiting electrons and if an atom was the size of a thumb nail, the orbiting electrons would be circling quarter of a mile away. My point is that everything we perceive as solid is comprised mainly of empty space. This is confirmed in physics.

We are now beginning to understand energy; the invisible force that fills all space not occupied by matter and within the structure of all matter, there is no space that this energy does not exist.

The energy or human bio-field that is within the human body has a distinct advantage over other forms of life and physical structures. Merged with the structure of our bodies and brain it gives us huge creative power, manifested in creative free thinking and the power to choose. Animals do not have this facility. This gives us a massive advantage over other forms of life, but we use it in an unconscious way to produce things and for personal achievement. This energy, we call the human spirit or consciousness and it cannot be harmed or destroyed, it is present in a living body and absent in a dead one. When consciousness leaves the body, the body immediately begins to liquefy and degrade into its component parts, to return to the ground it came from. Death is not the end, it is a new beginning for the part that expressed itself as our human spirit. It merely goes back to the soul it came from originally but is loaded with our human life experience. Thoughts have energy and exert a great influence on our bodies but because our focus is on wants and needs we use them in the wrong way. Used correctly our thoughts and beliefs can heal us; used incorrectly they can damage us and even take us to death.

This brings me to energy medicine, we have an autonomic system, breathing, heartbeat and internal systems that operate all the time we are alive, conscious or not. When we are badly damaged and the body can no longer support life, our energy leaves it and it shuts down, our autonomic system is the last to go, and when this stops we are gone and cannot generally return.

Near death experience after such shutting down tells of a journey into another dimension with thought process intact, I know this because I have experienced it and was transported into a realm where we left to become human. Going home is a journey we will all take, this is an absolute. Spiritually we existed before human life and we will exist when we leave it. Human life is a journey of the soul and our task is to use that journey to realise what we are and what we can achieve when we lose that connection as children and learn to function in the physical world. We are programmed to forget where we came from, and always, when we are born our brain is empty of thought and has to learn the ways of our world and also our spirit has to learn how to live in its new environment ( the physical body.) This is a much longer process because we have a much more complicated brain than other living creatures who are pre programmed, we are not. I learned one thing during my NDE, it was a recognition that 'there is only love.'
Love is God, we are God, love is the driving force behind all life, we use it and abuse it, this is our creative ability whilst we are human. Use it wisely and we are invincible.

Every cell in our being is charged with energy, and cells are produced in accordance to our DNA chemical profile, this process repeats automatically all our lives. Every seven years or so, every cell in our bodies has been replaced and we are totally unconscious of this occurring. When illness and cancer strikes us, we can use our thought processes to talk to our cells, to access our perfect DNA process to eliminate bad cells and produce good ones. When the mind accepts the body reacts, it is that simple. When we think 'outside the box,' when we learn we are not just a body and a mind, and believe in the spirit energy that is perfect, which can help us to prevail over any adversity, we will have awakened to who we are, and then our creative power is activated. This energy, unlike medicine and drugs, is specific to the illness it is directed to and cannot harm us. Our trouble is, we get too involved with the journey into illness and invoke fear, we concentrate on the symptoms, the pain believing we are powerless to intervene, and when the illness is terminal, the mind thinking of the journey is to death. This thinking is creative and we usually get what we fear.

When we learn to see the destination and not the journey, knowing who we are, (eternal and indestructable spirit) in a body of our own making, when we finally learn to believe that we possess the power over any illness, when we learn to use our thought process correctly, we will give power to our brain, to act on our bodies balanced with the ultimate healing power of our indestructible spirit.


Friday, 22 August 2008



When the moment goes it is gone
If it was good it will be remembered
Live each moment, love each moment
Find love, give love and live the dream

Seek who you are, it’s within you to find
Live your real truth; it’s not in your mind
There is no sense in pain
A moment in pain
It’s a moment wasted

Time is so precious
Time to live
Time to love
Time to live out the dream
Look within, search beyond your mind
Love is there, it’s there to find
Then live each moment
Love each moment
And when it’s gone
Its joy will be remembered
And your life will have found true purpose

Sunday, 17 August 2008


There is an analogy regarding the physical body and our consciousness that I really like; it compares our bodies to a car and our spirit or consciousness as the driver.

The car does not operate without a driver and the driver can operate the car with respect or drive it badly. Drive it with respect and it will serve you well, abuse it and it will eventually fail you.

Your body is just the same, it can be overwhelmed with what you do, the environment you live in, what you eat and how you treat yourself in negative thinking and emotions. The body is a fantasticly complicated bio machine that has inbuilt healing powers that you do not even doubt for a second, break your arm and it will mend. It eats germs and viruses and keeps the body clean and ready for us to use 24/7. Our chemical DNA the border between our consciousness and our physical cell production is responsible for maintaining our cell structure. Unravel our DNA profile and it would be thousands of miles long. Every seven years or so every cell in our bodies has been replaced, the process is ongoing and you are not aware of it. cellular memory ensures that scars and body issues are carried to the new cells. Nothing of you that existed 10 years ago exists now. There is so much going on in the background that we are not aware of.

When we know who we are, when we know that we are the driver, in control and being easy on ourselves and others, being true to ourselves (our loving spirit) and being aware that what we are perceiving as religion, cultural separation and individual goals are all man made and is NOT WHO WE ARE!! We are players in a game that is bigger than our minds can comprehend, the game of life is ongoing and when we learn to play it better we will stop the damage we do to each other and our beautiful planet.

Fluffy..No; we have just forgotten who we are and have built our world from our creative minds that are limited in perception. We came from the void to play, pure consciousness with no form and we will go back to the void, indeed we never left it we just lost focus with its vibration. Beyond the physical spectrum there is so much we cannot and are not meant to see. However, we can all take a peek

Saturday, 16 August 2008


Multiple Myeloma was my cancer. I say was, because I don't have it now, at the time of writing (2008)it is my ninth year completely free of it. Oh yes, I had the medical treatment which nearly killed me, but it came back, as multiple myeloma always does. This cancer has no medical cure, this is what I was told, but 3 months after it returned it just disappeared, nine years later it is still gone and my oncologist does not understand why. I do; this is why I am a healer and why I promote energy healing, because it has no limits. The only limitation we have is the limitation we have learned for ourselves, we are energy, cancer is energy, everything we perceive in this universe is vibrating energy. The energy of a thought has real power, it can make you move your arm, step over a puddle, or drive your car, what we normally do not believe is "I can cure my incurable cancer myself." Why is this? Because it is what you have learned, it is how you have been conditioned, and you learn all this at an early age. So did I, but my questioning from the age of six and the knowledge and experiences I have had have given me a different perspective. Who am I? I am an ordinary working man with a passion for finding out who we are and the meaning of life. Knowing, enabled me to become a Healer and Geomancer; more importantly it gave me the tools to be able to defeat Multiple Myeloma and erradicate it 100% from my body. Who I am is no different to who you are, we are all of one consciousness, massive intellect and power for our choosing. We are all related, in truth, we just don't know it yet, and cancer; it is a lower energy that is nothing to who we really are. When your Oncologist tells you, as mine did, I was going to die of MM, the challenge for me...Was my knowing enough? Indeed it was.

Cancer drugs are poison, and poison is not cancer specific , it destroys good parts of you in the process. This is quite normal and doctors have a point in which they will say that there is nothing more they can do for you, then you are sure to be on the road to your death. The limitations of cancer treatment, medical knowledge and your own mind is to your detriment when you have cancer. Cancer begins with one cell out of 60 trillion and grows with fierce repetition. Cancer has an energy and this energy can be transformed; drugs are usually your first port of call, I would never advocate anything else, (that would be illegal)and I took them. The treatment failed to cure my cancer. You can also utilise alternative methods, and there are many; energy healing works as well, most do not conflict with concventional treatment, and will not harm you, if you take the necessary precautions. Research always. Drugs kill cancer cells, but they also kill healthy cells and weaken the immune system, which is the very system you have that has the capability of destroying cancer. Drug side effects are dire, as I well know. Cancer research does not recognise consciousness, or herbal medicine because of their need to develop drugs for profit. They will never recognise the human spirit or its healing powers. I should have been dead many years ago, but I am alive and kicking, free of the cancer that cannot be cured....This is the result of energy healing and belief, when drugs failed me.

I will begin my blog with some information for you to consider, these are my beliefs, born out of experience, investigation and deep thought. We are composed of three basic things as human and they are MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.

Mind is simple, we all have it and use it all day and every day. Body is also well documented, physically we began with one cell which eventually reaches 60 to 100 trillion cells, made up from about 25% from the ground we walk upon and about 75% water. What makes everything work is spirit; spirit is our consciousness, the energy that keeps our cells alive , the energy that can be measured and photographed.

Energy cannot be destroyed, this is our first law of physics. The energy in a living body looks very like the lines of force around a magnet, it flows through 7 main energy centres in our bodies. Disrupt the flow and we become unwell, severe disruptions become serious. Whether our illness is because of our environment, the food and drink we consume, our habits and excesses or the stress we impose on ourselves with our minds, we can all become unwell at some point in our lives.

We are conditioned to believe that drugs are our only option when we become ill, and often it is, there are many excellent medications, but we have something else that is not so well known. It concerns our spirit. Our spirit is partly expressed as our mind but a deeper part exists that is never born to earth. This deeper part often touches our minds as a sixth sense, this is a sense that we often have experience of, but is not generally recognised as a true sense, it is totally ignored by scientific minds. When we utilise the connection we all have with our deeper spiritual reality (but rarely awaken) cancer cannot prevail in our bodies. Illness bends to our deep will and beliefs, but importantly this has the ability to kill us or cure us, usually with cancer we believe cancer kills, that belief is realised, but we can direct it to cure us, such is the power of belief.

Pharmaceutical drugs and medicine are reasonably recent innovations within our history, but in our past there was no such industry. What we had and believed in were natural remedies grown in the earth, and energy medicine. These are a natural way to attain the balance between mind, body and spirit that is we all need if we are to be balanced. However, this concept is rubbished by the powerful and hugely profitable pharmaceutical companies who will not under any circumstances accept anything that does not make profit.
My cancer was erradicated by energy rebalancing and my own deep belief in the concept of who I am, (spirit within my body) there is much more to this spirit than we know. Life does not end in death, this I know because of a personal Near Death Experience, and following this lost all my fear of dying. Knowing who we are, knowing that the limitations we have in our minds and egos can be strengthened just by this knowing. Of course this is a question we have all probably asked in our lives, who are we, where did we came from and where do we go when we die, and the big question; what is the point in all this, why am I here? When you look into yourself and ask the question 'is this all there is' the answer comes if you are asking from your heart. We are so much more than we think and see; we existed before we were born to this earth, and we will exist beyond physical death. Our current human focus is one we are currently engaged in, but there is a deeper reality that is blanketed to our minds, this reality and knowing is so important when we are lost in the fear of cancer.

We are caught up in a mindset of our own making, technology has no wisdom, matter has no awareness, our materialistic paradigm needs to shift towards the values of our spiritual truth if we are to stop destroying each other and our beautiful planet. The potential of our collective human consciousness has not been awakened yet, our limitations, our religions and our angst are all man made. We need to look deeper.

Healing is a natural process when we are aware of who we are, love can be used in so many ways, healing ourselves is only one of them. My cancer was cleared in 3 months.


UPDATE 22 October 2011.
It is now nearly 13 years since my Multiple Myeloma was discovered early in 1999. Treatment took me through till August when I had a bone marrow transplant, my cancer quickly returned. By January, following my own intervention, it was gone. This remained the position until January 2010 when the paraprotein was again found in my blood, I took no notice of this, believing I could get rid of it again and by January 2011 it was gone again. I am well, and have had no treatment for MM for 12 years. There is nothing special about me, I have beaten cancer, hypertension, clinical depression, and diabetes. My belief is strong, my ideas are not mainstream, this will be evident if you look at the postings in my blog. Life is deeper than most will ever know; we are not helpless when the worst happens, look deeper and you will know too. We are given tools to help us through life, we have to find them, they are inside us, love is the most important tool we have. Love is the light inside that kills cancer, fear and hate are what cancer feeds upon, this is important to know and to consider as lesson number 1.

January 2013. I am still here folks, cancer free, alive and kicking with no trace of MM. I write my blog in the hope that I can help you with my alternative views on life, because within them you will find signposts that will give you an alternative to drugs and religion. My lifetime of learning, of experiences that have reinforced my view that we are all so much more than we perceive ourselves to be. When I was diagnosed in 1999 with MM and given 3-5 years of life, I was shocked and let them do what they believed was right for me. They were wrong and the treatment nearly killed me, and they failed because the cancer came right back. Why do I write? Simply this. I hope to open up your mind to a view on who you really are; and you may not have ever considered it. This is my sacred task and one I do willingly, and if I can help one person, my life will be worthwhile. If you think, chemo can help you, think again, if you think science or religion can help you, no, science and religion are as powerless as your mind is in defeating MM. I can understand those who say this is just woo woo and I am talking rubbish. You can trust your oncologist, there is nothing wrong in that, and maybe they can prolong your life, but eventually they will stand back and tell you, there is nothing more they can do. I do not say you should not have treatment, I cannot, and would not do that. Your mind is weak when it comes to fighting MM, no matter how positive you are, at the back of your mind lurks the statistics, the words no cure, the fear and the constant to and fro from positivity to futility. At this point I tell you again, Multiple Myeloma is curable - because I did it. In this world we express ourselves through our minds and we have five senses to help us. There is another aspect, the world of energy, vibration and life itself. MM is a challenge; an opportunity to find yourself, the hidden part of you that seeks expression. You can take this as a chance to fight MM with your mind. However, the monkey mind is always looking backwards or forwards and is rarely in the moment. An expression of self, the true self,the indestructable essence that is who you are, all you have been and all you will be is always in the moment, and everything happens in the moment of, Now. Its boundary is not this world, as it is with the mind self. It is not governed by linear time, nor does it see the dark energy of MM other than transformable. SELF, it is beautiful energy, powerful beyond belief, it is who you really are. I know this and I want you to know it too. The infinite self or the Authentic self, as opposed to the egoic self. We live in the world of the Ego with all the crap the mind can throw at us. This is the human game. Know yourself, open to the infinite self and replay the game, because when your life is threatened, as mine was, you can use your mind and fail, or introduce yourself to the inner being that is you. Here the rules are different, the play so much more satisfying. In the heart we find the doorway, love is the key that opens the door and the energy of light and love that flows back washes away the darkness of MM. The DNA relaxes and rebuilds us at a cellular level. With me, it took 3 months. Learn about who you are, research the Infinite Self, The Authentic Self and open your toolbox to health. And, in that moment, your life on this earth is changed forever. David.

Thursday, 17 July 2008


Welcome to my blog where you can read my thoughts on healing, which is a major part of my new journey in life. I'm new to blogging so this quite exciting for me to use this blog as a tool to reach those who may have been written off as 'incurable' by doctors, as I was! There's so much to come so please keep checking my blog or post a question. I'm always happy to help.